It’s rather hot in here…

I know I haven’t been around very much lately – this is because I’ve been busy with work. I’ve also recently had some very special company spend a few days with me so I’ve been working on that as well. I don’t wish to go to details there because unlike some people I don’t need to have my personal life hung out there like laundry drying on a line. All I’m going to say is I’m falling for him, and that’s that.

I spent today with my mom – freaky right? It wasn’t too bad though. Her inlaws (I guess that would make them my step-grand parents) went away for a few weeks and she invited my sister and I over to their house to hang out in the pool. Now, I haven’t swam since I was 12; so this is going on 10 years without any floating time.

I hopped right in when I got there, I couldn’t wait. I didn’t have a bathing suit so I just went in with shorts and a tshirt. No big deal – I enjoyed myself either way. I do have a bathing suit but my sister had already stole it from me. Originally I wasn’t going to go and then I looked at the little pool I bought the other day and realized it just wasn’t cutting it. I needed to float in the water – not just sit in it.

My back – thankfully – is feeling great right now. I propped myself up in front of one of the jets and it just felt amazing on my shoulder (where most of my problems are). I’m so relaxed right now it’s unreal.

I got a little bit of color, but I’ve been working outside for the last few days in the sun so I’ve been able to pick up a bit here and there. My legs are still not tanning well though. I can literally stand outside for an hour in direct sunlight and not burn. I can’t burn and I can’t tan so it’s really getting to be annoying. My legs are getting SOME color to them but not enough for me to be content with it. My arms are getting kind of dark, as is my face, but that’s about it. It sucks but nothing I can do about it.

In any event, I’m going to head off – later gators.

2 Responses to “It’s rather hot in here…”

  1. Sean says:

    Sounds like you’ve been busy. Ten years is way too long to not be swimming, hopefully you’ll get to go again soon.

  2. C says:

    You can always hang your laundry out for me… I really wouldn’t mind details. I’m excited for you, so be like a girl a give me deeeetailssssssss


July 24, 2006


Boyfriend, Daily



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