Oh the heat!

An extreme heat wave has hit the tri-state area. Temperatures lingering around the 105°F mark (40.5°C) during the day have had me stuck indoors and very uncomfortable. I’m only blogging right now because I don’t know if I’ll have power for much longer. There was a blackout warning sent out to all hospitals on Long Island (to my knowledge) until 10:30PM this evening. It makes perfect sense though.

Right now it’s around 6:30PM, for the past hour (and next few hours) people will be coming home from work, turning on their air conditioners and overloading power plants in the area. With how unstable LIPA has proven to be for the last few weeks, it’s only natural that something will randomly just blow up and I’ll be left without power.

Down with the sickness…
This doesn’t help me very much though. I haven’t really been feeling well lately. I’m still battling my cold and the heat doesn’t help either, it just makes me feel worse so I’m very easily agitated lately. It also doesn’t help that I have two very bad tooth aches and no real pain-killers to help me out. I take Aleve, because it’s the only thing that works, I’m immune to everything else. I send my sister to the store to pick some up for me and she comes back with Advil. Why? Because it said “toothache” on the box, as though that would actually fucking help me. It’s not a toothache anymore, it’s a full on infection and since I have no insurance, I have to deal with the pain until the nerve finally dies.

Business woe’s….
I’ve been lurking around the ‘net bidding on every possible job I can find. I have a few leads that may work to my advantage, but nothing set in stone as of right now. I got a few emails about the $30 deal, which I have to reply to tonight (I’m aware of the fact that I’m taking a while, again – I haven’t been feeling well). I’m going back to my search for grants, and working on a few ideas for future job ventures that hopefully will work to my advantage.

Wrapping it up…
In any event, I think I’m going to head off. I’m downloading some programs. A few of the leads are company outsource based and they require that I have either Dreamweaver, FrontPage or both. I don’t totally see the point in using this programs since I code everything by hand, but if I have to suck it up and deal with it in order to get the job, then so be it.

I know I’m behind on my comments, I’ll make those up in a little while when my bandwidth is back to the proper speed.

4 Responses to “Oh the heat!”

  1. Sean says:

    Aww I hate this heat too, hopefully with the storm coming it will cool it off a bit.

  2. Kristin says:

    Its been that hot here too. Really really humid for the last week. Got a slight break today but the temps should be back up tomorrow probably. It’d be nice to have a good rain storm to clear everything off.

  3. Jordan says:

    It seems like you’re perpetually sick! I either have a habit of remembering all of your sick blogs, or you have the worst immune system ever. Hopefully you’ll start to feel better soon; I’m kind of lucky, I rarely get sick, but when I do I’m nearly immobile and feel like I’ve got mono or something.

    Also, love the new design you got up over at agnsol.

  4. Crys says:

    If colds were able to pass from one blogger to another, I would blame you for getting me sick. and someone shut the AC off in my office at work, so now I’m boiling.

    You should get some oragel or something to numb your teeth. Thats what I’ve been doing. It helps a little bit.


July 18, 2006


Daily, Work



Comments (4)