Auto Cool

I posted a previous entry which included a short review of a product called Auto Cool. I just wanted to elaborate a little bit.

When I first saw the commercial for it, I figured “Oh look, another over-dramatic – never happened to anyone in real life – commercial for a product that won’t work.” Unfortunately, my father doesn’t think that way – so he went out and bought the Auto Cool (big mistake!). With the warm weekend, I told my father to give it a shot and just park in the sun for a little while. The item itself is a piece of crap. My father had the car parked in direct sunlight (as the directions state) and the fan just barely moved at all. I would not recommend this product to ANYONE. Previously I mentioned the Jeep – a product like this is not meant for anything with a soft top, I don’t care who you are or what you think, or what the direction state – it’s NOT.

We did this on my sisters car. It’s dead so it’s not like we could move it very far. We moved it enough to get it into the sunlight. The car was still so hot that cracking windows didn’t even help. I give the Auto Cool two thumbs down.

2 Responses to “Auto Cool”

  1. Shauna says:

    I recently saw a commercial for auto cool. I never paid much attention to it though. It sounds like garbage.

  2. James says:

    I remember that commercial a long time ago. Man I sure am glad I avoided that piece of garbage. Sorry for your loss of money.


August 18, 2006





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