Anal Rententive Much??

Anyone who knows me in person, or even through regular conversation, know that I’m anal retentive about dishes being in the sink. Even if I’m in someone else’s home I have to sit on my hands to stop myself from doing the dishes. I knew this was a pretty bad trait (well…not totally) but I also didn’t know that there’s a huge chance of it getting WORSE with time.

Today I found myself getting really excited when I opened up a package of new sponges. I looked for an excuse to do some dishes, even though there weren’t any in the sink. While unloading the dishwasher, I noticed a few plates with streaks and I went out of my way to hand-wash them until they sparkled.

I really need a hobby. This one is even starting to sound stupid as hell to me!

I did a lot of cleaning today. I’m waiting (almost too patiently) on responses from a few clients so since I had nothing else to do I decided that while I was taking a break from searching for scholarships, I was going to just clean house. I vacuumed, I dusted, I did the laundry and I even gave Bella a bath, even though she didn’t need one. I was just ITCHING to find something to do.

I could always work on ‘personal site’ based shit, but it’s really not worth it. I’m going to be reopening AGn Listings in a few weeks, I’m considering bringing the cam portals back but I honestly don’t think those are ‘the thing’ anymore, who knows. I’m also considering bringing back the review site but I don’t think that one is actually going to happen, too much time involved and there weren’t ever really any sites worth reviewing. Sure there were a few good ones but the rest were over-the-top teeny bopper ones that got annoying. The Mobile Meme has been dead since July but I think I’m going to redo it and make it a little more ‘interactive’. Maybe instead of topic ideas for posts I’ll just come up with a question a week or something like that…I don’t know.

It’s a little after midnight. The boyfriend is asleep because he has work in the morning, Bella’s knocked out and as usual there’s nothing on TV. I think I’m going to float around through my bookmarks and do a quick clean out of the links that aren’t of any use to me anymore. I have like 300+ bookmarks and I don’t think I’ve visited ANY of them since they were originally bookmarked.

I guess the cleaning just never ends for me, huh?

11 Responses to “Anal Rententive Much??”

  1. Ashley says:

    I absolutely cannot stand cleaning. I hate it, I loathe it, I will do everything in my power to avoid it. Well, not true. When things just seem too messy I clean.

    So I think I have the opposite of what you have. Wanna swap? I’m sure it would make my mother happier. lol

  2. Jenny says:

    I hate cleaning. I will go out of my way to do anything to avoid it.

    Good luck with getting those sites up. Can’t wait for the listings to open. It’s gonna be big. Let me know if you need any help!!

  3. Shauna says:

    If you get really bored, you can fly to Nova Scotia and clean my place up 😀

    I honestly hate cleaning, I’ll do anything and everything to avoid it. The house isn’t a mess though, I mainly just avoid the dishes.. and I hate mopping the floors. But I guess it has to be done. 😛

  4. Angela says:

    hey you… come clean my apartment then. I can’t stand cleaning & it takes John to just about scream bloody mary at me before I get to it. I know that’s really bad and is so “unwifely” (is that a word?) of me but I just don’t care. I am only in charge of keeping the kitchen clean plus keeping up with the laundry. John usually does the rest, but I will occasionally clean the living room since the pup just insists on tearing out the stuffing of all his toys and scattering them all over the place. I swear he likes to make our life interesting with his little antics… 😉

    well so when are you coming over to umm clean? =p

  5. Bronnie says:

    Heheh.. I have cleaning times. When I just go nuts and feel like cleaning everything! However.. I don’t get excited over new sponges 😉 hehhe. Yes I think you definitely need a new hobby. Maybe something non-‘net related? How about lawn bowls?! Awesome game!! hehehe
    I need to clean my bookmarks.. never visit them. The only sites I visit I already know off-by-heart.

  6. adam says:

    I should bring back some blog or something but well see. Maybe you can convince me 😀 I am glad to have you back in my life all the sudden. We need to stop doing it randomly. At least I got your beeeeeep #. Anyway, i hate dishes. I am the same way, I know they are there…calling me! I hate doing it. Our old roomate would leave her dishes in the sink for days and I fucking couldn’t take it anymore…it was insane. I can barly stand my own dishes let alone various other peoples messes.

  7. Anna says:

    I become obsessive compulsive with cleaning when I’m on my period. Like, scrub the baseboards with a toothbrush, bleach every tile surface in the house, organizing the cans in the pantry, etc.

    It’s a little freaky. But the good thing is that instead of spring cleaning once a year, I do it once a month.


  8. Anna says:

    Dangit, I entered my email addy wrong and my gravatar didn’t show up.

    DO OVER! 😉

  9. John says:

    Geez, I know EXACTLY what you mean about the bookmarks. I just cleared out about 60 different links, and I know that in a month I’ll have to do it all over again!

    Do you put them in folders when you bookmark them, or just flat out CTRL+D ?

    Krissy: Everything goes into folders.

  10. Angela says:

    DAMN YOU!!! I caught your “cleaning bug” & started cleaning like DEEP cleaning today. I did all of the clothes (about 5 loads), cleaned the bathroom mirror, scrubbed the sink/counter, put away everything that was on the counter except for the bare necessities, plopped a toilet tab in the back of it, did the dishes, wiped down those counters plus stove & fridge, picked up all of the fuzz Bonzai had tore out of his toys, picked up all his toys AGAIN, & hung up all of my clothes. I would have done more like scrub the toilet, wash the floors (foyer, bathroom, and kitchen) but need to get me a swiffer mop, etc. I just might clean out the fridge and vacuum tomorrow. Like I said… DAMN YOU Krissy 😉


September 19, 2006





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