Silver, Gold, Precious Metals and INVESTING?

Have you ever gone to someone’s house and saw a collection of coins that you found interesting? Maybe they had silver bars or a small collection of gold bars and you thought they were pretty amazing to look at. I know that typically you wouldn’t find items like that sitting out but if you know someone who actually likes this kind of stuff, you’d be surprised at what you can find.

Gold used to be the unique investment, it was a sign of wealth, and while all monetary value in the US government is based on the gold in the vaults, silver is also pretty valuable as well. The world demand for silver exceeds annual production and it has every year since 1990. The above ground stockpiles of silver are low and shrinking so rapidly they’re approaching ZERO. The US Government was once the largest stockpiler of silver on the planet, it dumped billions of ounces of silver bars onto the world market. That government silver hoard is now gone and the US is only a silver buyer, for that reason – if you can get your hands on it – the bars represent a pretty outstanding investment opportunity.

If you’re at all interested in purchasing gold, silver or other precious metals you should check out the Monex Deposit Company. For over 30 years they’ve been America’s gold, silver and precious metals investment leader. That’s sure to aid in your decision of whom to purchase your precious metals with.

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April 20, 2007





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