
I just finished up all of my commenting for the night and I have to say, if I come across one more site that insists using the smallest font in the world is the way to go – I’m going to scream. I hate having to increase the font size when I go to a site, thankfully no matter WHAT your style sheet reads, Mozilla will automatically increase it for me. MSIE doesn’t have that option and I’m happy to announce that half the sites I visited didn’t work in Mozilla anyway so thank god for horribly bad coding, now I don’t have to comment on it.

I never, EVER created templates around a 9px Georgia font, I don’t understand HOW you people can seriously believe that’s the best font to use. The absolute smallest anyone should go is 11px and even that can be hard on old eyes. A lot of the comment sites out there have users in all age ranges, and that’s perfectly fine, but if you’re going to be submitting your site to a directory for not only hits but BLOG COMMENTS at least freaking make it READABLE or guaranteed no one’s coming back to it. If anyone does it’s probably your BFF that’s sitting right next to you in all of your classes. What could he/she possibly have to comment about when she can just tell you something to your face? Come on people; get a clue!
[/end rant]

I know I said about two hours ago that I was heading to bed but after sitting here for as long as I have, I’m kind of having trouble falling asleep. The boyfriend is snoring his head off, rolling all over the place too. He almost flung me, my laptop AND Bella off the bed in one quick jolt. I don’t know what he dreams about but damn…violent much?

I guess it’s time to bring Bella to pee and then get myself ready for bed. I’m too agitated to really do anything else right now. I guess that sugar crash has completely subsided and now I’m just moody…woe to the bipolar me!

2 Responses to “Ughness”

  1. Kate says:

    I agree with font sizes, people do have them stupidly small nowadays and it doesn’t do them any favor. But then with sites working in Mozilla, I find 99% of the sites I come across do work in Mozilla now as I have only visited ones that do I only get responses from ones that do. x

  2. Esther says:

    Thanks for your comment, yes, I think a rise in blood pressure is more likely than something wanting me to cancel the whole thing. At least I hope so, because now I’ve booked despite the slightly moron-ish staff there…I’m really worried now she’s going to forget about our group and gives the table to someone else; or something like that. o.?ɬ¥*

    Those sites with real small fonts are a pain in the neck. I have bad eyes myself and everytime I try to read one of those sites, I have to go really close to the screen, which looks stupid.

    Hope you’ve eventually got some sleep 😉


April 04, 2007


Annoyed, The Web



Comments (2)