You’re kidding me … right?

So the ‘massive storm’ was nothing more than a dud. I really hope something hits around here soon or I’m going to go back up to New York where everything seems to be. I just saw something on the news a little while ago about the Long Island Expressway getting bombarded, that’s the kind of weather I love.

It’s mainly been raining on and off here, so a few sounds of thunder got me excited, that left as quickly as it came though. The lady next door, however, has no driveway. There’s no real drainage systems around here and her driveway kind of has a dip at the end of it that holds water in excess, she had to walk through a massive puddle (that started from the middle of the street and ended half way up her driveway) in order for her to get to her car. I swear I’m going to write a letter to the land owner to find out just where his $400,000 a year income (per community, he owns like 5) is being used because this is beyond absurd.

So instead of being outside today, I’m inside with the TV on in the background. Oprah pisses me off so I’m not even going to bother watching her. Judge Judy isn’t on yet, and I LOATH Dr. Phil so I’m not even gonna go there. Time to surf through channels to put something decent on in the background. Oprah’s doing some eligible bachelors thing on her show today, there’s like 60 guys or something on stage at the moment, none of which look even remotely appealing…go figure. Since when is her lesbian lover her new co-host?

2 Responses to “You’re kidding me … right?”

  1. Nan says:

    Here in Denmark it rains almost all year and we finally have some sunshine. We will return it as soon as we are done enjoying it… Lets say around September? The drainage is awful around where I live too – we always have floods.

  2. Jenny says:

    in Denmark it rains almost all year

    Can I live in Denmark?!

    But the “big storms” are always a dud. It’s rather depressing.


April 27, 2007


Annoyed, Delmarva, New York, Randomage



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