Disappointed. Tired. Confused.

The ‘massive storm’ hit around 8pm. I was rather disappointed to find out that everything good went far south of me to Southern Maryland and parts of Virginia, it’s really not fair. I was expecting something good and all it did was water the flowers for me.

Something tells me I’m going to have to give Bella a bath before I go to bed tonight. I really don’t want to but I know after her walk tonight she’s going to be covered in dirt. It only poured for about a half hour but that was long enough to drench everything to the point of mud building up everywhere. Since she seems to enjoy running through the grass more than just being on the street – naturally she’s going to get pretty dirty.

I had to cancel her grooming appointment, for obvious reasons. The vet recommended that if she was really in as much pain as she is that it’s a bad idea to have a groomer hold her down. I was also informed that the groomer chosen for her wasn’t anywhere near the vets personal recommendation list. She said it’s an unclean environment and I should consider another groomer in the area. The problem is, there’s only ONE other groomer and I refuse to drive way out of my way just to get Bella shaved before it gets too hot down here. It almost reached 90?Ǭ?F today so there’s no way in hell that I want her to wait any longer than she has to. The air conditioning in the house is typically turned off every few minutes because someone gets too cold but then you’ve got Bella and the three other dogs laying on the floor panting like all hell. This is why when the rooms get moved around I’m considering a window unit. This way I know it’s going to be cold in here at all times and Bella can get some relief from the heat.

I’m anticipating tomorrow, it’s supposed to be just as warm so it’ll be nice to sit outside and catch some rays while I’m reading. I haven’t relaxed with a book in a while so it’ll be nice to just sit outside and relax for a bit. I have to get some actual work done first though, there’s not much on my list at the moment so it should be an easy day.

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May 17, 2007


Bella, Delmarva, Randomage, Work



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