Not too bad.

I woke up rather late today but that’s because I didn’t get to sleep until about 5am. We wound up going to Milford last night, there’s a Big Lots there plus a 24-hour Wal-mart so we were basically shopping until about 1am before we took the half hour drive home. I went a little over budget yesterday but that’s mainly because I treated everyone to dinner last night. We went to Applebee’s after Big Lots and that ran about $50, so when I spent over $40 in Wal-Mart I knew I’d gone over. This is fine, however, because at least I’ve got the money to cover it anyway.

I’ve been rather productive today. I had my coffee and some quaker rice cakes so I only took in about 100 calories so far. I watered the flowers, cleaned out the bathroom, cleaned the bedroom. I made a quick snack for Baby and I so that we could put some real food in our stomachs as well. While I was outside I washed the cars as well, they were getting kind of dusty because of the trees in the area so I made it a point to get all of the dust off the windows especially – makes it difficult to drive if you don’t. Now I’m sitting here going through email so I can get started on my work day. I do intend to have the bedroom vacuumed and the kitchen straightened up.

We bought a lot of meat last night, we’re going to be barbecuing quite a bit this weekend considering it’s a holiday. Kay has a few extra days off so she’s going to paint her bathroom, bathe the dogs and then get some other things done around the house that she’s been putting off for a while. Baby will basically only have to barbecue but at least that will keep him entertained for a little while. It pushed 90F today and since the UV index is rather high I hope to have gotten some color with everything I was doing outside.

I guess I should get my ass in gear on some work. I’ve been slacking on my $20-$30 a day blogging goals so hopefully I can get back on track with that. Even then I could probably average about $750-$900 a month – not bad for a few minutes of work a day.

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May 26, 2007


Bella, Boyfriend, Daily, Dieting, Randomage, School



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