Chugging Along…

I’ve gotten through about 100 emails, most of which were support emails that seemed to be backed up in the database, at least they’re taken care of though. I rested my eyes for a few minutes to go outside and take in the weather. It’s pouring right now but it’s got such a calming effect on me that it’s taking me out of my work mode and putting me into a “When is Bedtime?” state of mind. This is why I’m now inside instead of being out there. I know I have a lot to get done there just aren’t enough hours in the day it seems.

Baby and I have been very busy for the last week so I’m behind on everything from email to work. If I didn’t have the ability to type so quick I’d probably get absolutely no blogging done at all and that’s a lack of income so that certainly isn’t going to happen. Guess I should get back to work now.

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June 03, 2007


Daily, Work



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