Drug Rehab

I’m to a point now that any chance for talking about drug rehab, I kind of jump on so I can get it’s importance out there. I’ve lost too many people to addiction to not have some sort of a passion for it. I came across a new site for addiction treatment this morning. I found it kind of interesting because it’s not the typical center. Most centers have people doing things based on what they learned out of a text book.

At Stone Hawk they know quite a bit about addiction because they were once addicted themselves. They program they work with, Narconon, worked for them when other programs failed.¬† It’s probably one of the most successful programs in the country because of their 76%+ success rate. It breaks down to basically 3 out of every 4 people who graduates from their program leaves clean and stays clean. It’s an alternative to the 12-step program, one that seems rather interesting.¬† You should consider checking it out if you or someone you know needs treatment.

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June 12, 2007


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