Get your ass up already!

Baby’s finally awake and now I’m waiting patiently for him to take a shower so we can get out of here. I’ve got my lists made out so I know exactly what I’m looking for at Dollar Tree and Food Lion but it’s hard to do anything when you’re waiting for someone to get up and go. I’m sure he’s working on something important but it’s just not going fast enough for me. I know I seem kind of bitchy about it but there’s a lot of shit for me to get done today after I get back from the store.

I have to start dinner, finish cleaning the kitchen, work on straightening up the living room and dining room. I then need to get back to the computer while dinner is in the oven and continue working on things for clients. I also need to get a few templates knocked out for so I can work on getting that up and running. I need to finish the format of the administration panel so that Sean can get to working on that as well. It’s just a whole series of things that need to be done and unfortunately there isn’t enough time in the day for me to do it all without a tiny bit of help.

Yep, I’m stressed out – can you tell?

One Response to “Get your ass up already!”

  1. Shauna says:

    You seem so busy. I ahte when things get hectic like that. Good luck in getting it all completed.


June 07, 2007


Boyfriend, Stressed



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