Not done, but getting there…

It took about a day longer than I’d originally wanted it to but I got all the cooking done tonight that I wanted to do last night. The problem is I ate too much and now my stomach is killing me. I’m no where near done for the night though, I do still have to clean the kitchen and the bathroom. The towels need to be washed, the office could use a little vacuuming and the bedroom needs to be straightened up a little because while I’m completely moved in, there’s still some things that are just out of place at the moment. I should probably put one of the blankets away in the linen closet because it’s just too heavy to have on the bed at night, even with the air conditioner blasting and the fan blowing directly on us. It’s a small room that’s hit with sun light all day long so naturally it’s like a heat box in there. It’s an easy fix though, just load up on some more fans that aren’t that hefty so they don’t aid in giving off a shit load of heat themselves.

One Response to “Not done, but getting there…”

  1. Shauna says:

    I see you’re still keeping busy. Somethign I should be doing but I find myself constantly checking up and commenting on blogs.

    I wish we could have some nice weather, just for one day. I see everyone talking about the heat and needing a/c, but we’re still getting frost warnings. *sigh*


June 08, 2007





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