Random Bellyaching

I’m not sure when they implemented it into their system but PPP has finally edited their code to show you when an offer has already been taken. I know a few people who have walked away from their program because they were unable to find any opportunities to post on. Now they’ve labeled things for you so you know before you click if it’ll even be worth your time. Green means it’s a featured post, pink means that you’re not eligible, white means that you can take the offer and grey means that the offer has yet to expire but there are no longer posts available. Naturally I wonder why they even bothered with the grey considering no one can post there so more than likely no one is even going to bother reading it. The advertiser has already gotten their money’s worth so it makes no sense to me but I didn’t code their database so in the end that’s just the way things are.

I’m not quite done with all of my email checks but that’s because I keep getting side-tracked with things. It’s also a little hard to do anything at the moment considering how hot it is in the office right now. Baby seriously needs to invest in LCD monitors because the CRT’s are giving off so much heat it’s unreal. The television also plays a roll. I know the computers do as well, I just wish there was a way to work around it. We’re going to be investing in some fans this week. I think we were going to put one or two in here and we’re definitely going to be putting one in the bedroom because that room is like a heat-box at night with the two of us so close together in such a small bed. There’s got to be a way to increase your tolerance to eat. It’s not like I can roll around in ice before I go to bed and I sure as hell can’t take my skin off either. Hopefully the fans will resolve this issue.

At the moment we just have a full sized mattress on the floor. We’ll eventually be upgrading to a king sized bed that will actually have a box-spring and frame so we’re going to need a fan that sucks the air up from the ground and spews it back at us. I found a fan that sucks the air in on one vent and blows it out from another. So we could have the ‘suck-in’ side right next to the air conditioning vent and then the blow-out side angled straight to the bed. It sounds more complicated than it really is but I’ve had to do something similar in New York. Living in a brick building for 20 years, you learn a few tricks of the trade about how to get things to work with you in the summer. Brick naturally holds heat so the house was typically 10¬? hotter at night than it is outside. In the winter this was OK because it cut down on heating costs (if it was a sunny day) but in the summer it’s borderline obnoxious and fixing it with proper fan placement is obviously the way to go.

In any event, I’m going to start wrapping things up for the night so I can get to bed. I need to be up around 10:30am so we can get out of here early tomorrow.

3 Responses to “Random Bellyaching”

  1. Fatima says:

    I want a king-sized bed too! 😀 Sometimes I feel like my bed is too small…my feet keep hanging over the edge. lol.

  2. Sarah says:

    It annoyed the heck out of me yesterday, I couldn’t seem to find an opportunity to complete. I did get one eventually, but as soon as I made the post and submitted the post details, they went and said there were no opp’s left! Ugh! I managed to find another in it’s place. I’m glad they’re showing whether an opp is available or not.

  3. Angela says:

    That sucks about the heat situation. Hopefully, yall will get that taken care of as soon as possible. Our a/c outside unit malfunctioned on us like the 3rd of us living here but we have a 1 yr warranty on every appliance in this place so it was taken care of promptly the next day. It being 80 downstairs and 82 upstairs was NOT fun at all. It’s nice and cool now though.

    We’re waiting on our new bed now. The guy I commisioned to make ours told us that it would be ready by next Mon or Tues. We’re getting a Japanese platform bed and its going to be freaking sweet. We’re enjoying our new dwelling and hope things are fine with you and your man =)


June 02, 2007


Boyfriend, Randomage



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