Home Financing

While I’m not someone who’s really into real estate, I can say that I’m someone who likes to get the most out of my investments. I consider purchasing a house in the next year to be a major investment, naturally so I’m going to make it a point to be on top of everything in regards to not only mortgages but just home financing in general.

I came across dragonfi.com after searching for home financing Florida on Google. Naturally I’m not going to be moving down to Florida but knowing what houses go for down there I was just interested to see what was going on. Dragonfi claims to be home financing with wings. The company was created with their customers in mind and it’s easy to use them because they’re lenders, not brokers. They’re a full service home financing enterprise with the capability of funding loans up to $8 million with no catches or craziness involved. Now naturally I’m not looking to take out an $8 million dollar loan because I’d not only be rejected for that amount but even if I were approved my great-great-great grandchildren would be the ones paying it back. Unless I was bringing in about $1 million per year then this just isn’t something that I consider to be possible.

I did some reading around their website and the thing that kind of drew me in for them is the fact that they understand home buying is an intense and personal experience, while any business is mainly about the money, they aren’t going to push unneeded and unwanted resources in your direction and tell them that they’re good for you. They’re going to walk you through the process – step by step – and insure that you fully understand everything that’s going on. They believe in truth in numbers. All customers are given real facts and real numbers right from the beginning.

If you’re looking into more information about this company, head over to dragonfi.com or call up William Cox @ 888.88fi-fly

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July 22, 2007





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