Monday Madness – Week #3

It’s time for this week’s installment of Monday Madness.

1. Do you do your own laundry or do you send it out? I do my own laundry, I have been for years.

2. Do you laundry at your home or a laundromat? I’m lucky enough to have had an in-house laundry machine available to me for many years.

3. Are there certain articles of clothing that you need to have dry-cleaned on a regular basis? No, I’m known to many friends as the cotton queen. If it can’t be put in the washing machine than typically I won’t even buy it – no matter how cute it is.

4. How often do you do laundry? Is there a certain day of the week that you consider “laundry day?” Up until recently it was once a week. I would have Monday’s, my father did his on Sunday and my sister kind of just threw it all in the machine whenever she ran out of jeans. Lately, however, I haven’t been doing it quite as often because I’m not changing more than once a day anymore now that I’m perminantly working from home.

5. Do you iron your clothes as you pull them out of the dryer or do you wait until just before you wear the clothing to iron? Again, I’m the cotton queen, but when it comes to shirts that do require being pressed, I like to get to them just as they come out of the dryer.

6. Do you hang your clothes outside to dry or do you dry them in a dryer? The dryer, unfortunately these days there are so many harmful chemicals in the air that having it mixed with sunlight can do some serious damage to your delicates. I would also like to note that I understand old school ways but could you people please stop hanging your huge white granny-panties out on the line? It’s kind of icky. Dryers are only about $200 and if you have the room for a huge washing machine than trust me – you can squeeze in a dryer.

7. Do you own things that need to be hand-washed or do you try to avoid buying things that you can’t wash in the washing machine? Again I’ll note the “Cotton Queen” statement. I have hand-washed clothing before, however. Sometimes one stain isn’t worth doing an entire load for and wasting water. Then hanging it up in the tub to air-dry or directly in the dryer is a very easy thing to do.

So there you have it, I hung out my dirty laundry.

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July 02, 2007





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