Lounging around…

It’s Friday night and while most people are heading out, I’m doing everything I can to just stay in. Sean is already asleep but he has to be up at like 3:30am or something like that. There’s some server things going on with his job that he needs to be awake for. I think it’s converting thumbnails or something like that, I don’t know. He told me but again – I’ve been out of it so it hasn’t really stuck for me. I think he found a way to get Image Magik to work with converting .GIF thumbnails without making them a static/still image. So I assume he has to take care of the rest of the thumbnails his boss has uploaded. Who knows.

I plan on getting to bed soon but for now I’m just kind of surfing around the web. I came across a site that gives you the ability to receive either an SMS or email alert about freebies being given away in your area. I thought it was pretty interesting. They’re called FreeAlert and it’s not just US based, it’s supposedly worldwide. I don’t have text messaging for my phone, I find it to be a completely useless feature. It’s cheaper to have a two minute conversation than it is to send the 20+IM’s to get your thoughts out – you know? I considered signing up for the email portion of it but have to look into it a little bit further.

The site itself is charity based, the items you receive can be redistributed to the disabled, orphans, widows, refugees or other needy people in your community. Around here there aren’t many needy people so I doubt I could be of much help to anyone but I’m sure those living in larger cities can find some kind of value through FreeAlert, who knows.

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August 10, 2007


Boyfriend, Daily, RevMe



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