Ear Infections

I’m going to have to bring Bella to the vet tomorrow.¬† She’s come down with an ear infection and I can honestly say that it’s strange to know she even has one.¬† I never had any allergy or daily health related issues with her in the past.¬† Karen told me that when she first moved down to Delaware, both of her dogs were pretty sick because of the allergies.¬† The local vet even confirmed it for her, allergies in DE for pets are so high it’s rediculous.¬† I’m not bringing her to the clinic, even if it’s going to be cheaper.¬† I’m already getting her taken care of in regards to finding a tick soaking up her blood, I refuse to bring her to a clinic where ants are crawling around the wall.¬† I know it’s mainly volunteer and it’s cheaper, but coming from New York a place like this would instantly be rejected.¬† They’re nice people and they do care about the animals but there’s a lack of air conditioning and minus the fact that the wipe the tables down with disinfectant, there are still bugs crawling around all over the place.¬† I’m not leaving there with her having another tick or fleas for that matter.¬† I don’t want to bomb the house, it’s hard to do when there are two other dogs in the house who refuse to leave the house and bombing this place would require at least an hour without anyone being in it, including them.


2 Responses to “Ear Infections”

  1. Bevs says:

    I have my dog too, but he havent had an infection. I hope he’ll never have any. 🙂
    Wish your Dog to recover soon.

  2. Shauna says:

    Sorry to hear about Bella, I hope she feels better soon. That place with the bugs sounds nasty :S


October 09, 2007


Bella, Delmarva



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