Halloween Costumes

PPPWith the holidays fast approaching, many people forget that there is an important one that’s just as important to adults and children alike, before Christmas is even considered. Sean and I have been floating around the stores looking into halloween costumes because we haven’t really dressed up for the holiday in a few years now. I’ve been looking into some funky clown kind of outfits, Sean has been looking into the more dark and sinister Vampire kind of outfits. His reason behind it is based on the fact that his mother calls him a Vampire because he seems to be more creative at night than he is during the day. There’s nothing wrong with that though; many people are the same way. I know that I am.

I’m anticipating Halloween, I even found a costume for it. I went poking through HalloweenExpress.com, and I found an I Love Lucy Polka Dot Dress Costume. I’ve been a huge fan of hers for years so dressing up like her for Halloween seems like a cool idea for me. It’s only like $40, which is a great deal on a costume. I saw a few other ones on the site that seemed pretty interesting, I poked around the animal section quite a bit. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the one that I saw in Petco for Bella. There was the choice between a pumpkin, which was one of the cutest ones I’ve seen, and a little devil which was equally as adorable.

One Response to “Halloween Costumes”

  1. YEah! Halloween is coming! I cant wait for that day.


October 15, 2007


Boyfriend, PPP



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