I’m Ready!

I’ve decided to park my ass in the living room again. I’ve been doing it for a few days but today I have even more of a reason than I did, yes – this one tops the whole working environment for me. I already have the TV tuned to Lifetime, but that’s typical for me considering I tend to watch it all day long anyway.

Tonight marks the start of season two for Lisa Williams – Life Among The Dead. I’ve been a fan of this show since it first aired last year and I can not wait for the season to start. It’s then followed by Americas Psychic Challenge but I’m unsure of if I’ll pay close attention to that or not. I’ve always been interested in that world. I think I grew more interested when I lost Joe, but knowing now that he’s around for sure that’s helped my healing process.

So tonight I’m sending Sean to the mailbox on his way to pick up dinner, I decided to have Chinese tonight because I’m really in no mood to do any cooking. From there Lisa should be on a few hours later and I’ll enjoy some ice cream and psychic ability and that’ll be my night…heh.

2 Responses to “I’m Ready!”

  1. Karen says:

    It sounds like a bunch of us ate chinese food tonite!

  2. Shauna says:

    Mmm Chinese! I had some yesterday for lunch!

    Thanks for the offer to email you about the whole breakup situation, I might take you up on that. lol. Sometimes I just need to vent and no one really feels like listening. haha.


October 12, 2007





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