Vacations, Model Homes, Mortgages OH MY!

The ManhattanKaren is going away on Friday night to head up to Pennsylvania with her sister. Her sister is in the process of moving down here and she’s already chosen the chunk of land that she’s interested in but now she needs to pick out a model home to put on it. She’s going through Ritz-Craft, I’ve heard some mixed reviews on them though. I personally find Palm Harbor homes to be the most appealing. However, Ritz-Craft has a model called “Manhattan” that’s 3547 square feet and absolutely GORGEOUS.¬† I uploaded it because it’s worth sharing.¬† This is the computer generated version, after getting in touch with Ritz-Craft I found out that this model is in the $150,000 range.¬† Which isn’t bad, but you’re better off owning you’re own land in order to purchase it so now we’re looking at another estimated $20,000.¬† I would personally put the house up in Ohio considering I’ve found some decent land out there, but who knows if I could get a mortgage on it.¬† Wishful thinking, that’s for sure.

So she’s leaving on Friday, we’ll be graced with Princess for about 13 hours or so and then we’re heading up to New York on Saturday.¬† So I’ll throw down some extra wee-wee pads and a big bowl of food, keep the fan on with the TV and the rest is cake.¬† She’s fine being left alone over night, Karen should be back within 24 hours of us leaving anyway so it’s not like the dog is going to starve to death.¬† She never plays with toys, she tends to sleep all day so she’ll probably have no idea as to what’s going on anyway.¬† In many ways, Princess is like having a cat.¬† Put the food down and leave her alone until she’s showing some kind of signs towards wanting affection.

I’m bringing Bella up to NY with me.¬† I figure that since we’ll be in Ohio for five days or so without her, leaving her two weekends in a row really isn’t a great idea.¬† Besides, knowing that Karen is going away the same weekend I don’t want her to be in the house alone either.¬† So on Friday, Sean and I are going to make a quick Walmart run and I’ll load up on food and what not for her to get through the weekend.¬† Then next week we’ll make another trip before we leave to load up on some things for while we’re gone.

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October 17, 2007


Bella, Boyfriend, Family



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