Where the heck is it?

PPPSean took a walk down to the mailbox a few moments ago and the entire time that he was gone I was waiting very patiently for him to get back. It has nothing to do with an attachment issue so scratch that right out of your head. I was hoping to hear from HSBC and there are only a few days left before we go up to New York and I absolutely need that paperwork to show up as soon as possible. If it isn’t here by Friday then, minus visiting family, there really is no reason for me to head up there because my main purpose was for the loan.

If this doesn’t come through in time, I may wind up taking the route of payday loans because there’s not really any other option if we’re going to get on track with fixing his car, as well as getting up to New York after the paperwork shows up. So we’re paying back about $1000 either way, it’d just be on a different loan.

During my budget planning I was also looking into Mortgage Loans because there’s a few homes for sale in the area that are brand new manufactured homes in the $30,000 range. They haven’t even been lived in, they’re still actually moving in a lot of the siding and what not. We saw a few pictures, and they really are pretty sweet looking. My only issue is that they’re Ritz-Craft and I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about them. However, the one I found was about 2,000 sqft and I think that’s more than enough to keep myself active. Sean can be locked away in his 20×15 office and I can scatter around the rest of the house going full speed ahead with decorating and painting heh. Besides, later on down the road if we happen to run into a snag we can always Refinance and go from there – right?

I just hope that the mailman has a special letter for me this afternoon. :waits patiently:

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October 04, 2007


Boyfriend, Home Ownership, PPP



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