Eventually I’ll plan for real.

?While I’m not really searching for anything in particular, I just like to keep ideas fresh in my mind, and valuable sites bookmarked to use at a later date. I’m not planning my wedding because I’m unsure of when exactly I’d like to even have it. As of right now, we’re both aware of the fact that we’re going to be together for an extremely long time and that is good enough for us at this point in time. Sure, it would be nice to have a huge family wedding but I know that would instantly be a hassle because of the Catholic family traditions that I don’t personally agree with. A church wedding is more than likely not going to happen for me, while Sean went through some levels of Religion (he went to Catholic school) my father made it a point not to force us into it the way he was. He hated going and if we truly wished to go then it would be our choice, not his. My grandmother wasn’t really too happy with that being the strong follower that she was, but she accepted the fact that he’s entitled to raise his children whichever way he pleased. On my mothers side, they didn’t care too much. I know my mother never liked going, or at least I think that was the case. Either way not having that background has instantly cast me out of the whole Church wedding and at this late in the game I don’t feel going back for classes is even remotely important. Why force ourselves into an uncomfortable situation just to make everyone else happy about OUR relationship? I’ll be fine with a justice of the peace on a beach. Down here it’s not hard to find, we’re in a beach town and they’re preformed on numerous occasions considering it’s up the block from the court house anyway.

Anyway, I found a resource to bookmark – 1weddingsource.com – they give you everything that you could possibly need. It’s a directory that connects brides with vendors in your area, it also provides tools and articles to help users through the “wedding planning journey”. If you live in the Buffalo area you can just look into Buffalo Weddings. Unfortunately I was only able to locate two places for Delaware (Dover and Wilmington) but I was unable to locate the kinds of resources (in those areas) that I was looking for. More and more this is looking to be a Long Island wedding. I know a lot of the resources available for Long Island weddings. Plus I have a huge family to help me out with the odds and ends. My mother has done the invitations for family and friends as far as the eye can see and has beautiful calligraph handwriting. My grandmother is the queen of party favors and with 7 grandchildren in the family, it’ll be a full wedding party – that’s for sure.

There’s a lot to do, I’m just unsure of when I’ll be ready to start.

7 Responses to “Eventually I’ll plan for real.”

  1. Shauna says:

    Getting married scares me. I’m only 19 though, no need to worry about that now!

  2. Bronnie says:

    Ooh very exciting!! It’s great you’re browsing, and taking time to look rather than trying to browse under pressure, that’s when you make decisions you may not have normally!

    I think I’d be engaged at least a year before the actual wedding. Like you say, you both already know you’re going to be together, a wedding is just the magical icing on top!

    You MUST post numerous photos after it all happens though 🙂

    Oh also, I totally love the beach idea. I’m not doing a church wedding either.. maybe a garden!

  3. jet charter says:

    I’m kinda scared to get married! The age I’m at now seems to make most of my friends all start proposing.

  4. Anesthesia says:

    You have every right to have the kind of wedding YOU want. Forget about everyone else. You’ll be the one with regrets when it’s all said and done. My husband and I moved into our new house on December 21st. We got engaged on the 24th and went to the justice of the peace on the 28th and got hitched. 🙂 This December will be our 2nd anniversary and we have no regrets because we did things the way we wanted. 🙂 Best of luck to you both.. and I hope that your wedding is everything that you both want for each other.

  5. I am definitely going to be with my boyfriend for a long, long time. Still, I don’t want to go through the hassle of marriage. If this country (US) would just make it easier for partners to get ‘legal’ benefits, there would be no need for marriage. I hate the idea of getting married; I hate the idea of being tied down that way.

  6. Game Forum says:

    I have been with my girlfriend for 5 years and we love each other but I don’t think a wedding would validate it…even though I have a catholic school background like Sean. I do find it funny how strongly some feel about what I do with my relationship; some say you have to get married, while others are telling me to wait. If you enjoy each other, then that should be enough

  7. I had a wedding with just a few family and the justice of the peace. I will tell you the stress level is so low when you go that route. I do not have any regrets. We had our own dinner with everyone a few days later. It was very relaxed and a simple environment without complications.


December 14, 2007


Boyfriend, Family, Randomage



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