It’s another one of those days where everything that could possibly go wrong…can.

I woke up this morning with the intent of just going to Wal-mart and picking up everything I need for Bella and myself and then just coming home and relaxing for a while until Lost comes on tonight.

About two hours ago Karen called with the test results for Princess, they believe she has Cushings disease but will need to admit her on Monday to run some more tests and figure things out. If she does have it then there’s a 50/50 chance that she’ll live or need to be put down, it depends on how far along she is with the disease. So that was upsetting blow number two today. The first one was the call from the vet stating that Candy’s ashes were ready and we can pick them up when we’re ready to.

A few moments ago while I was contemplating life and hoping to hear something from any job that doesn’t require being a cashier part-time, the phone rang out of no where and it was Karen’s sister who needed Sean to head down to the store and give her a jump because her car died a few moments after she got a phone call from her boyfriend stating that his mother had passed away this morning.

There are only two months out of the year that effect me the most in life. February has always been a bad one for me but the final “bad moment” up until putting Candy down was having my last moments with Joe alive without any outside influence. We’re coming up to the two-year mark of his death and I’m already in a daze about that, so now adding to the fact that there’s a 50/50 chance that Princess will be put down around the same time…my nerves are shot….beyond shot.

I fully understand that the world has it’s way of balancing itself out but why does everything need to happen at once? While Bella is my baby I’ve grown very close to Princess. She’s the ultimate lap dog and I love her as much as anyone could. Candy I adored but since she was so much older than Princess and Bella she really just didn’t want to be bothered so I never had any “bonding” moments with her that were memorable, the only time I’ve ever held her was when we were going to the vet for one of her random bad days that would come out of no where. Princess and I have fallen asleep together lord knows how many times on the couch and I’ve given her more personal-time than I have Candy, and her death upset me but Princess would be like losing my own pet, even though she’s more “everyone’s” dog than Candy was.

Why does everything happen at once? I just don’t get it.

14 Responses to “WHY IS THE WORLD SO SCREWED UP!?”

  1. Peace be with you Krissy. I’m sure that all the many readers of this blog are right behind you in terms of moral support during whats happening in your life right now.

    Cheer up 🙂

  2. Bronnie says:

    They say bad things come on threes!
    February does seem to be a jinxed month for you, isn’t it weird how things turn out that way? We’re nearly through Feb though, so you can relax soon!

    My dad’s dog (a bichon) has the beginnings of cushings disease. But since she has lost a bit of weight she seems to have got better.

    I hope Princess is OK, because I understand how hard it is to lose a dog.


  3. NBA Pick says:

    it just seems like that from time to time… but things get better and experiences like that make you stronger 😮

  4. NBA Pick says:

    dont worry it will make u stronger!

  5. Arwen says:

    I’m sorry you’re going through all this stuff, and I hope things start getting better for you.

  6. meg says:

    It’s just one of those things we have to pass through Krissy as part of life’s cycle. Ironic, yes, but we need to get hurt to learn, to be a better person, to empathize. Cry it out.

  7. Ed says:

    Wow that is a pretty bad day, I hope everything turns out well for Princess, hang in there things well get better!!

  8. Jackson says:

    Sorry that everything had to happen on one day. I have only had one pet(i am only 23) and when we lost it, it was really like losing a family member. My dad was never fond of the dog, or at least he never showed he was. When I came home he was alone and I thought it unusually quiet so I asked him where Astra was. He turned to me and I noticed he was crying. We had a funeral with my sister, mother, father and me. The dog was a huge part of our family. My condolences go out to you and I hope that Princess will turn out well.


  9. Tara says:

    I’m really sorry to hear that about your dog. Hopefully things will work out for the best in the end but if not I hope you can get some comfort in thinking of all the bonding time you had with her and the good memories. Keep positive for her, im sure she’ll notice if you’re feeling down 🙂

  10. Don’t worry, it will get better. Try to remember that what does not kill you, makes you stronger !

  11. Elaine says:

    Hi Krissy
    Im sorry to read all that have happened. I can relate to that. When my mum got a stroke and was in a coma, my 16-yr old nephew died, my sis got confirmed with breast cancer, 2 other relatives died from pancreatic cancer – all at the same time. I remember I shuttled from one hospital to another.
    Things happened to us for a reason and it’s always for our good: to learn, to grow and expand ourselves. Everything has its timing, and we’ll see the goodness when we don’t quit.
    colema board

  12. Obviously you are a very caring person, this is why the world looks you so screwed up. You are not alone in this feeling…

  13. Antiques says:

    These kind of things need to come in our lives to make us strong. But your’s is truly a bit on the serious mode. But have strong faith in God dear, everything will get alright.


February 21, 2008


Family, Pets



Comments (14)