Just keeps getting better!

It’s been a pretty messed up week. On Tuesday I woke up bright and early to get to the dentist by 8am for what I thought was going to be a root canal. That didn’t happen, mainly because of the fact that the tooth was still sensitive so the dentist decided to work on the ones next to it. So I got two fillings but my gum had to be cut open in order to do it properly so that was a whole butt load of pain that I wound up missing work for. I’m technically fine, but it’s still pretty uncomfortable even though it’s been three days.

On Wednesday I came back to work with the goal of just getting through the day without having to deal with any major issues. Of course that was shot to hell on my way back from lunch with a co-worker. I smacked into the back of a brand new Range Rover and caused what looks to be a few thousand dollars in damages. The shocker was that it was only caused by the side view mirror on the Baretta, which is still fully intact, minus the fact that the mirror itself popped out and landed in the car. It’s an easy fix for the Baretta. A new side panel and plexiglass is the damage to the drivers rear side on the other car.

So yea, needless to say it’s been one of those weeks. I’d like to be able to check my email but all major email servers are blocked from being accessed at work.

8 Responses to “Just keeps getting better!”

  1. Wow that sucks. I always would avoid going to the dentist.
    Hope it gets better for you.

    Getting hit on. As told by you.

  2. katie says:

    I like your way of writing. Really smart. Hope you will get better everyday! ♥

  3. Man, I really feel your pain. Some weeks just suck so bad. I hope it gets better for you.

  4. James B says:

    My best friend is a dentist be even he doesn’t see the funny side of having your jaw X-rayed before he chopped a lump of my jaw out. We qualified together and I went into medicine in the UK. He still tries to fix my teeth which were in bad health, but plays golf every Tuesday and has a nice life.
    And what car does he drive?

    A Range Rover.
    (the favourite of his 2 cars!)
    I wont tell you what car I drive…

  5. Gee whiz…that SUCKS!!! I feel your pain! I guess in a situation like yours, when it rains, it pours. Hope things get better.

    Phil @ Trading Penny Stockss last blog post..Trading Penny Stocks: How Mad Money is Made

  6. Jamie says:

    Man, it does get better for you doesn’t it? I’m sorry to hear about your week. I’ve had one of those weeks myself but I won’t go into it. Anyway, you probably don’t remember me but we used to talk on msn a lot when you had acidxgloss. And I had frozenangel45. I also had grievous-angel.net if any of this rings a bell? Which I hope it does? Anyway, take care and hope that things gets for the better.

  7. Oh man, dental work has got to be some of the most physically painful experiences.

    And wow, good luck with the accident stuff. At least you didn’t get hurt.

    Science of Identity Foundations last blog post..Being in Tune with Reality – Quotes of Jagad Guru Chris Butler

  8. Justin says:

    Oh man….I feel for you. I have had a root canal and it’s terrible. Well, the root canal itself isn’t too bad if done right but the pain before and after are the worst. I hope all goes well with that.


September 12, 2008


Daily, Randomage



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