Hittin the fan!

So far things have been relatively productive today, I’ve gone through all of my email, drew up about five mock-ups and now I’m sitting here with a huge list of things to do beside me.  Sean and I are both in the living room this afternoon because we’re watching season 1 of “Shameless”.  It’s one of our newest addictions and unfortunately we were only able to watch it from the beginning of Season 2 on Showtime.  So since there are numerous questions that needed answers, we’re going to watch everything from the beginning so we can catch ourselves up.  By the time we’re in the mood to move forward we can watch Season 2 all over again, in anticipation for Season 3 (which they’ll be filming soon anyway).

Anyhoo… you’ll notice on the sidebar that Muir’s widget has been added to the blog pages, she’ll be posting here soon, so for now her link obviously goes to a dead page, but it’ll be active soon enough.  She just left here a little while ago, the little munchkin was fussy this afternoon but after a nice half hour nap on the couch, and a ten minute doze on auntie Krissy’s shoulder – it mellowed out quite a bit.

Dinner went very well last night.  The lamb tasted pretty good, my only complaint was the fact that I can’t – for the life of me – get the garlic smell off of my hands, no matter how hard I try. I’ve watched my hands constantly with numerous different variations of soaps and wives-tale tricks but nothings really worked.  I’m hoping within the next few days it just goes away naturally.  I can honestly say that the reason us Italians talk with our hands is nothing to do with a social tick, it’s children watching their grandparents constantly try to air out their hands.

So I’m looking over my list and there’s at least 15 tasks to complete (or at least put a dent in today).  Guess the next few hours are gonna be busy as hell.

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April 10, 2012


Daily, Work


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