Helping those in need.

PPPI’ve spoken in the past about drug addiction and rehab but that was based on things going on in my life that I felt, at the time, needed to be shared. I’ve lost loved ones to cocaine, heroine and an overdose of a mix of drugs that they shouldn’t have even been in the same room with, let alone ingesting. I wanted, so badly, to be able to help them but I knew that most of them were just so far gone, all you could really do is tip-toe around them and watch them kill themselves. I didn’t have the confidence to step in and do something about it. When they did finally pass on, I hated myself for not doing anything about it.

There’s a new site out now specifically for young adult intervention. I think it’s a pretty valuable resource for drug rehab, addiction treatment and substance abuse information. The site was created specifically for young adults whom need or want to be in a sober environment. Anyone in the college scene knows that a majority of the time…that just isn’t the case. Sober College is a residential program that creates a supportive and sober environment for young adults to recover from chemical dependency and other related issues. Young adults between the ages of 17-26 are eligible candidates. The friends I lost were 18, 21 and 25. Two of them were in college, that’s where these problems began. They couldn’t handle the stress of exams, the courses they were taking, or maybe even just the whole idea of being far away from home. If this program was around for them, maybe they’d still be alive today.

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April 16, 2007





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