Internal Alarm…

I’m really not sure why but my schedule is beyond screwed up right now. I’ve finally got some work to do thanks to a new contract position but for my initial project I stayed up until about 5am putting a lot of finishing touches on the photoshop aspect of things. I rolled into bed and then popped right up at exactly 10:32am. Now, the reason that number is so “hrm….” for me is based on the fact that my body has trained itself to wake up at the exact same time every day for the past week or so. I really don’t understand why, either. I know that yesterday the landscapers showed up around our house at the same time yesterday morning which then triggered Bella to sit in the window and bark her freaking head off. I’m seriously going to start going to bed with her sonic zapper because I can’t take waking up to a barking dog anymore. Today was no different. They’re showing the house next door and having people walk around is never a good thing when you have a bitchy dog to deal with. So of course she insisted on barking. Come to think of it, she’s been the reason I’ve popped up so frequently in the morning. I wish I could figure out why she’s the new resident alarm clock.

It’s taking it’s toll on me though. I’ve been up for an hour and a half and I’m already exhausted. I can’t continue on 5 hours of sleep but I really don’t want to go back to bed because I have so much to accomplish today. I have a couple of posts to do, a lot of emails to respond to, a PSD to convert to XHTML/CSS and then I think I just landed my first big project with this company of creating a template for a social networking site. I’ll base my template on the network site that Sean’s designing, and then add MySpace, Facebook and Vidilife to it. Why? Because I’ll do the complete and total polar opposite of all of them. I see no point in having them all look the same so I’m going to come up with something different. :hmph:

Guess I should get myself in gear. I think I’m going to need to put on a pot of coffee. If I don’t get some kind of energy boost I’m probably going to be asleep within the next half hour.

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April 11, 2008


Bella, Work


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