Stop Popping!

My computer is being over run with Pop Ups and I honestly have no idea why. I’ve got every possible scan program I can find working on resolving this issue but none of them seem to be finding anything. I also had to install a pop up stopper just so I could load my browsers. I know for certain that the popups are no longer located on my site, that issue was resolved when I checked everything on another computer. After that, however, I’m not sure what to do.

I’m running AVG Free Anti Virus, AVG Spyware, Adaware, Spysweeper, Spydoctor and now I’m surfing around looking for other products to download. This is beyond absurd at the moment and there’s no way in hell that I’m going to reinstall windows again because then I’d have to spend time getting all of the drivers in order just so I can boot the laptop, let alone download anything.

: grrr :

3 Responses to “Stop Popping!”

  1. Shauna says:

    I’ll give you my best advice, whether you want to follow it or not is your decision.

    After working for Microsoft, on the PcSafety division I learned a few tricks. Try starting your computer into safe mode (hit f8 as it’s starting up in case you didn’t know). Run spybot S&D in safemode, then restart. If you’re still getting the popups download the prrams smitfraudfix and smitrem (You can google them both for the download). Run them both in safe mode as well.

    They are both easy to use, one asks simple yes or no questions and the other one you just keep hittin ‘any key’ until it’s finished.

    They work wonders! I know people are a lil sketchy about using such programs but I just thought I’d let you know what I do. Works every time.

  2. Nicole says:

    Well, sorry to hear about your computer problem. I do hope you could resolve that soon. Try finding for a technician?

    Um–OK, you kinda lost me now.. :X

  3. Nat Marie says:

    I had the same issue a few weeks ago. Then I found that the issue was because of a nasty little trojan. Luckily for me, I found out (from earlier infections) how the program names for trojans look, so I was able to get rid of them like that. I have Avast, and they were able to detect when it was actually on there, but when I scanned a file with it, it came up as clean. :/ Maybe keep on trying all that.

    Also, I downloaded Hijack This which is used mostly for browser hijacking, but it works for all things nasty, lol.


May 25, 2007





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