
I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy for the last few days.¬† Going through email and what not.¬† There’s a rise of stupid people coming my way that have had me a bit annoyed lately.¬† No one knows how to read, it’s like a running trend.¬† I know that when they received the email from me, it was written clearly with detailed instructions on what they had to do.

When you sign an agreement through Paypal, they’re the ones who handle all of the billing from there on out.¬† If it’s a subscription payment, the payment goes through I add it to my spreadsheets and you’re good for another month (or another year depending on your original agreement).¬† I don’t call your bank account and have money wired, I don’t automatically bill you at times that you’re unaware of.¬† You sign the agreement on the 12th, if it’s monthly you’ll be billed the following 12th and many there after until you no longer need your account.

It’s written on the confirmation email that you’ll be billed monthly, so you should expect to freaking see that from the get go – why is it my damn problem if you forget? For crying out loud.

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October 11, 2007





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