Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

6 Responses to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Louise says:

    Merry Christmas to you too 🙂 That’s really pretty by the way, not tacky like some of those other glittery animation thingies you get all over Myspace.

    Louises last blog post..My Second Post!

  2. Limoeg says:

    Very nice way to wish Christmas.Thank you.

  3. cohnsey says:

    Did you have a good Christmas?

  4. HAHa, short and effective post. I’m stealing this little pic for next year’s e-holiday card cover.

  5. Wishing yours happy holidays and a safe and happy new year.

  6. Shauna says:

    Hey Krissy,
    Haven’t heard much from you in the past little while. Hope all is well & that you had a wonderful holiday season.

    All the best in 2009!

    Shaunas last blog post..Alyssa’s 4 Month Milestones


December 25, 2008





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