Working leads to vacations – right?

I’ve been keeping myself busy on a new project with Dick, and I have to say it’s coming along pretty nicely on my end. I just need to stop second guessing myself in photo shop and start coding up everything for the base site and then converting it all for the WordPress end of it. It’s going to be an on-going project for me, then again anything with Dick seems to be an on going project. He’s just great – heh.

So, Sean and I are planning an upcoming vacation which is hard considering we’ve been watching Family Guy and we keep thinking of weird places TV shows have been based in or talk about. He’s already spoken about going to all of the Springfield’s in America, and we’re going to be looking for a Sven if St. Olaf Minnesota actually exists. I’d love to go to Seattle but I may use a couple of vouchers I’ve got and invest in a few Disney World Tickets because I’ve been itching to get down to Disney for many years now. I just don’t know where we should go in upcoming weeks. We were considering a few nights up in Atlantic City because each of us have free nights pending that we could cash in on. I figured we can do two nights at one hotel and two at another – it’s just a matter of money though. Who knows.

I’m sure we’ll figure things out.

One Response to “Working leads to vacations – right?”

  1. I also wanna go to Disney! Good luck to your vacation!


July 30, 2007


Boyfriend, Work



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