Archive for the ‘Boyfriend’ Category

Happy New Year

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

So it’s officially 2011 and so far things haven’t been too bad. I’m working very hard to get myself on track as there are a lot of things I’m interested in doing this year that require a lot of attention to detail, and stamina to get through them. I’ve actively been searching for a new job, working hard to try to get myself up to speed with the new requirements as far as web design are concerned. Over the course of the next few days it’s my goal to have a new hand-made template up, as opposed to the freebies I’ve been using for the past year. My links list is very short, so I’m also working on finding some new interesting sites to push into a regular routine as well. Another big thing for me is to throw myself fully into the paid blogging world again as I haven’t been into it for so long that my resources are limited. Once I can regain some traffic to any of my sites I’ll work on getting the financial aspect of things back on track as well.

Sean and I are doing great, we haven’t argued and are finally in the relationship we’ve both wanted for a very long time. We veered off a little and now we’re back on track and couldn’t be happier. We went away for new years weekend and enjoyed every minute of it. It made us realize how badly we need to get into a better place with our relationship and we’re both working very hard to get there. This is exactly why I’m feverishly searching for alternate income and really working on finding a better 9-5 so I can be done with the shit hole I’ve been in for the past few years. I’m actually taking a break from searching through job sites just so I can update here since I hadn’t done it in so long.

I changed back to an older theme for the time being as the Christmas season is over. I had a wonderful Christmas, Sean picked out a gorgeous necklace for me that I’m absolutely in love with, I’m also overloaded on new clothes and DVD’s, even older items that were on my amazon list for god knows how long. The biggest YAY moment for me was unpacking my new Kureg Coffee Maker, I’m head over heals in love with it as I’ve wanted it for so long! I already picked up a 24 pack of my uber favorite French Vanilla blend and can’t wait to try out all of the other ones. I’ve been addicted to flavored coffee for quite some time now, and now I have the option of doing it all from home instead of dropping money in random coffee shops around my house, and my job. It’s great for iced coffee too by the way, there’s even iced tea mixes and the lovely hot chocolate flavors which should just be a requirement considering the weather lately. Ugh, even talking about it here is making me want a large cup of coffee lol.

I’m taking even more of a break from reality by hanging out at the train station people watching. I have my netbook in my purse and thanks to our local internet carrier, wifi is pretty much free no matter where I go, the strongest feed is down at the train station for some reason, but I’m sure that has something o do with all of the metal on the ground in front of me. A few people floating around down here are amusing the living hell out of me though. I’m amazed at how dumb teenagers have become since I was one, I know my friends were stupid, don’t get me wrong – but they were never this bad. One of these pricks watches way too much jackass and is looking to see if his tongue will freeze to the tracks, or at least boasting that he’s willing to try it. The sadistic person inside of me wants to see him get his tongue stuck and run over by a train. The “mom/cop” in me wants to zap him with a tazer and watch him squirm in the grass safely away from the rails. Damn me and my caring nature, lol!

In any event, based on my little word counter I’m up in the 750 range which means I’ve been hard-core typing for a good 10-15 minutes and have no idea what my initial point was for even starting this entry.

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season!


Sunday, December 12th, 2010

The last couple of weeks have been a full blown roller coaster of EVERYTHING going on. I haven’t had the time to really sit down and update anything, but I’m now being forced to do it (thanks Karen) so lets get the ball rollin’.

#1 – Sean and I were able to work out everything and are back together. We spent the weekend together, just us with no friends or family around and worked out just about all of our differences. We talked about everything, got a lot off of our chests and now we’re just 100% positive and honest with each other. I can honestly say that for the first time in a few years we’re both happier than we ever could be. Right now he’s down in Jersey getting his stuff from his father’s house. We’ve gone one solid week with no arguments, major disagreements or awkward silence. Things are going to be much, much different this time around and I truly can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.

#2 – Work sucks, but what else is new there? A lot of changes have been made recently, tensions are extremely high and as usual the company has found a way to screw you out of actually enjoying a holiday with your family by making both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve a mandatory work day. I still put in for New Years Eve because Sean and I are going away for the weekend, but it’s still bull shit to have to work on Xmas eve when I worked on the freaking fourth of July. Fuck you Cali office, big ‘ol FUCK YOU!

#3 – Christmas is two weeks away and I’ve been feverishly getting everything together so that all shopping has been completed without my having to actually walk into a damn store. Unfortunately, there are just a few things you can’t find online and instances of you having to physically go somewhere to feel them out. I’m done with just about all but 3 people, I will be hitting up the stores for them when I get paid on Friday. My bank account is down to only a few hundred dollars so since bills are paid, everyone else is going to have to wait and unfortunately I’ll have to go out with the weekend before Christmas rush in just about every major store known to man lol. I know it’s going to be slim pickins but what choice do you have?

I say this just about every year but I really need to start getting all of my shopping done in August lol. They start putting the ‘winter’ stuff out in October/November, I think anytime before black Friday would be a good idea for getting all shopping done. All I know is there are going to be quite a few boxes delivered to the house over the course of the next two weeks and I need to make sure I’m staying on top of everything to insure everything ordered was received. Thankfully there are a few people I’ll be seeing after Christmas so there’s no major rush involved with getting their stuff shipped to the house, but I refuse to wrap anything the day after Christmas haha.

I wanted to have dinner at the house this year, I haven’t done it in a while and figure Christmas is the best time to get all of the Soper’s together. Sharon may be going to our cousins for dinner and coming over for dessert, I’ve decided to do it all the next day, which would free up Christmas for me to spend more time with Sean, Dad and Maureen. I do want to get together with Alicia, Dave and the baby for Christmas Eve, figure we’d go to dinner or something, but that’s something that will be worked out over the course of the next few days.

Jaymie Lynn Jaymie Lynn I really do want to spend time with my best friend and god daughter for Christmas, it’s the baby’s first Christmas you can’t NOT want to be there! I was there for the Christmas pictures at Sears, all of the wordrobe changes and the really crappy photographer definitely made it a long afternoon. Thanks to both me and Alicia being as creative as we are, with little help from the photographer we were able to come out with a few cute ones!

So yea, needless to say there’s A LOT going on, and today – while hanging out waiting for my aunt to come home so I can go back to my house, I was actually able to sit down for ten minutes and write up a REAL entry. There’s still stuff that I would actually like to find the time to talk about, but for today? I think we’re good hah.

Happy Holidays!

Closing the book…

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

I really don’t want to say it but higher powers have somehow worked their devious magic and Sean and I are no longer together.  Four and a half years of a relationship has now turned to “When are you coming to get your stuff, I can’t look at it anymore”.  Needless to say I’ll be doing some major packing over the course of the next couple of days, and none of it will be mine.  I’m worried about the financial aspect of everything because I’d basically given him AGn Solutions but everything is still being forwarded to my paypal account.  I don’t know if I should just give up the account or what.  My issue with that is that I fully intend to get back into working online, be it through blogging or designing – whichever I can figure out how to accomplish now that I no longer have my Mac or any programs, fonts, ANYTHING.  I’m starting from scratch completely across the board and for someone who’s been out of the loop for so long – this is just going to be one major obstacle after another.  On top of that we have a joint bank account, the cell phones are in my name.  There’s just a lot more shit involved and Sean has decided he’s “done” so now I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to make that as smooth of a transition as possible, but I highly doubt it’s going to be.  There’s no possible way to walk away from every aspect of your life and start fresh.  Especially when you’re in the same place and while he’s not, but all of his stuff is still here.

I don’t know where I’m going from here.  I’ve realized over the course of the past few days that there are a lot of aspects of my life that were never dealt with due to my jumping into things so quickly.  I realize now that the reason I have gone drastically down hill over the course of the past few months was due to the fact that my brain was telling me to ‘hold up, wait a minute, deal with your shit right now’.   I’m not over the major mistake made when I was a teenager, I’m not over Joe or Lucy for that matter either.  I never actually went through a grieving period for anything, I just kept jumping from one thing to the next to keep my mind off of things.  Now is the chance for me to 100% focus on everything without having any outside influence.  The next couple of weeks are going to be an extremely wild ride for me physically and emotionally.  And to top it all off, I have to deal with the fact that for the first time in 10 years, I’m alone for Christmas. 


Friday, November 19th, 2010

So things between Sean and I have gone down hill and we’ve decided to take a break to figure things out. I don’t know what the next couple of weeks are going to bring. Its either going to be a situation of both of us wanting to move on with our lives individually or move ahead with eachother. Its really up in the air right now but its equally painful for both of us. Im hopeful that things will work out but who knows what the universe has in store for us.

There’s alot that I’ve needed to work on for quite some time now and I believe this is the opportunity I need to begin getting myself in order. I need to get everything figured out with finances and school. I also need to figure out what path im even on in my life and which obstacles are in my way so I conquer them.  I would have liked to do everything with Sean by my side but I also need to be on my own for a while as this is something I haven’t done for the last ten years of my life. Im 26, working a dead end job and trying my hardest to accomplish my goals interally even though I have no physical or emotional strength to deal with it all at this moment in time. I can day dream all I want but the act of accomplishing is more rewarding. So I guess its time to truly see what I’m capable of.


Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Ok. So for the past couple of weeks I’ve found myself being trucked to work by Sean on a regular almost daily basis. Business is booming for him and im standing still in my shithole job. Its to a point where job number two is more than likely going to have to happen to get anywhere close to what he’s making so were back to being equal partners again. I’ve decided to see what I can find that will keep me busy on nights and weekends and give me the ability to at least make up another five hundred or so a month as I am now in desperate need for my own transportation.

When you factor in the cost of an auto loan plus the cost of even having your foot on the ground in new york…let alone a damn insurance policy…I figure it’ll cost about five hundred a month.  The loan itself would probably be in the three hundred range. Insurance is an easy one fifty thanks to two points on my license (fuck you nassau pd) and then the gas that goes into it. Im basically screwed.

So for the time being until something comes up ill be punching up my resume and floating around on freelance sites to see what I can bring in. I can’t possibly work out of the house seven days a week so an at home position will have to suffice for the time being.

With that being said-   how’s the paid to post industry doing these days?  I used to be able to bring in about $3g’s with no problem. Hoping to make even a percentage of that. Let me know!

Ugh n Stuff

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

I finally got rid of the tooth that was bothering me for the past couple of weeks.  I have to say it’s been an absolute blessing to know that the amount of pain I was experiencing has now gone away.  My issue is the fact that my mouth is really sore but I know in the long run it’ll work out for the best.  If you’ve been following me for a while you’d know that no matter how much time I spend in the chair, my issues just will not go away.  I’m to a point that I’m hoping to win the lotto so I can have every single one of them pulled and I can just replace them all with dental implants that can be easily fixed with a cap as soon as something breaks.  Either way I’m uncomfortable right now but I know it’ll subside over time and that’s just something to look forward to.

As far as the past week is concerned, a few interesting things have sprung up.  A girl was abducted a few blocks away from me on Monday.  While I was in a drug-induced coma I woke up to see the helicopters flying over head with the spot lights blasting the wooded areas around my house.  At first, I honestly thought that I was hallucinating because of the combination of sedation and vicodin in my system but that really wasn’t the case, it actually happened.  The girl was returned home a few hours after all of the activity sprung up which is good to know but I think she’ll make a better choice of boyfriends in the future considering her boyfriend and one of his friends were the two to actually play this out.   It really makes me question the relationships that some people have when you get to a point where you’re abducted by your OWN boyfriend.  I’m sorry it happened to her but I’m sure it’ll smarten him up a bit considering he seemed like a total low-life anyway.  They setup central command in the lot right next to my house so we all had a pretty good look at what was going on.j

In GOOD news, my boss had her baby.  She’s been uncomfortable for a while so a major congrats to her on the birth of her son.

Sean is in Manhattan today working for some guy, getting computers setup and whatnot.  I’m amused by the fact that he’s dealing with all of the snow that Long Island was supposed to get and it looks like the rain is holding on really well so hopefully we don’t wind up getting any snow.  I’m so sick of it, and I really miss sunshine, can’t wait for that to show up.

I’ve been spending all of my free time submitting my resume to numerous different companies.  It’s to a point where I don’t even know where half of them are located or what the job entails but anything is better than where I am and of course that’s all that matters to me right now.

I’m trying to figure out how to get some kind of photo and html program onto my Netbook without crashing it.  Considering it’s build specifically for internet and file storage, I’m afraid of adding too much shit to it.  I do still have my other laptop but I have a lot of work to do on it before I can get it up to the speed that it was in the past.  I can’t wait until I figure something out considering I’m sick of working with free premade templates when it comes to my own shit.  My portfolio is really out of date, a few projects have completely been overlooked and there’s just a lot of general maintenance that needs to take place before I can be happy with my internet footprint again.

In any event, I still have another half hour on my lunch break and I fully intend to enjoy it by doing absolutely nothing.  I’d love to be outside having a cigarette right now but it’s freaking POURING and just a crappy situation all together.

I think I’m going to call up the high school and see if they were able to locate my records.  It’s been a few weeks and I honestly am getting sick of waiting.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Ok, so I’m 13 days late in wishing everyone a Happy New Year but that’s also based on the fact that I really don’t get to spend much time in front of the computer for personal things anymore. I just pulled my laptop out of the closet today because I had to take two days off from work and I decided to help out the girls considering my department gets pretty backed up during the day, it’s even worse when we’re down a person so I logged in and assigned some claims so everyone could at least get out of there close to on-time. Oddly enough it worked out pretty well. If we could only figure out a way to do it when all three of us our there it would be a pretty cool deal hah.

So yea, this year hasn’t really gone too well but I’ve pretty much been under the weather since it started so of course I can’t say that there’s anything interesting going on. I’m waiting very patiently for my paycheck on Friday so I can punch all of the numbers into the FAFSA website and hopefully get a decent amount of coverage so I can get myself back into school. The University of Phoenix is pretty expensive so I really have to figure out how to get myself fully covered so I can complete a Bachelors degree. If I really wanted to stretch a penny I’d figure out a way to get my Masters but for now the Bachelors will suffice. I know I’ve been talking about going back to school for a very long time but I’m finally able to do it without having to worry about being under my fathers income. Essentially.. waiting until you’re 25 is a good thing when it comes to trying to get as much help as you can. It also mentally prepaired me to learn how to buckle down and get myself organized.

I’m working some pretty long hours lately, it’s not working out too well for me (mental health wise) but at least the overtime is paying the bills. It sucks that I’m averaging over 20 hours of overtime each paycheck but I’m also working six days a week and typically doing 10-11 hour days from Mon-Fri, that’s more than enough to say “I no longer have a social life”. Granted, my social life kind of died off when Lucy passed away last year but I’ve been making up for it by surrounding myself with people who are actually worth an ounce of my time and writing off the ones who aren’t. It may sound cruel but it’s just the way life goes. I know what I need and what I don’t need and having enough strength within myself to cut any ties with the people who just weren’t really worth it to begin with is more than enough of a reason for me to do what I need to do to get by. I’m lucky enough to be graced with the good people instead of the bad and that certainly works for me!

Sean and I are doing OK – yes, we’re still together. We had a bit of a rocky-point last year but I want to assume that everyone was smacked in the face with their mistakes. In July it’ll be four years, and while I know that’s still six months away, it’s still a shock that I’ve been able to stay with the same person for as long as I have. With him it’s really not an issue though. We get along, we’re living in a semi-tight bedroom but we manage to make due. Financial matters have kept us from getting a bigger place but for the time being we’re content with what we have. It gets a little stuffy when you throw Bella into the mix (who’s also doing very well now that the Tumor has been removed from her stomach) but we make due and that’s all that matters.

I’ve been home for the past two days and the only thing I’ve managed to accomplish is the laundry. I know I’m sick and should really just be resting but I hate just laying down and doing nothing, I need to do SOMETHING productive or I wind up going crazy. It was my ultimate goal to just clean up the bedroom today and that just didn’t happen. Maybe when I’m done here I’ll just get up for the sake of organizing a few things to make me feel better about the mess in here. I desperately need to organize my closet, it’s a terrible mess right now. Instead of hanging things up I tend to just fold them and stack them. I’ve had to keep shifting the stack around so I can get to the clothes that I’m wearing that day. It’s been pretty annoying.

As far as “resolutions” are concerned, it’s my ultimate goal to get myself back into school and finish what I’ve started. It’s also my goal within the next six months to come up with enough money for the down payment on the 2010 Chevrolet Equinox because that has been my final choice in a new car and the one I know I’ll stick with. I bounced around for a little while but after reading the reviews, doing the research and really just learning everything I can about the Equinox, the 2010 is the most well designed and fuel efficient model that they have. The older models had a lot of design flaws, one of which I saw as a safety issue and the gas mileage just wasn’t worth the price tag. Everything that’s offered with them now is everything I could ever need and I know that I’ll have it for at least 10-15 years so it’ll certainly hold up well for me.

So yea, School, Car, find a better job that pays at least double what I’m making and it’ll wind up being a good year for me. I just need to keep myself on track.

:: crosses fingers ::

Ugh @ Saturday

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

So it’s Saturday and I’m stuck at work.  This is a common thing for me, and will continue to be until I’m lucky enough to find a better job where I’m just paid more hourly and don’t care to pick up the extra hours on the weekends to get by.  There’s a lot of crap to do but at the moment I needed some kind of a mental break from assigning the claims and making phone calls so of course I figure this would be one of the good chances for me to throw up a post being as I’m sure I won’t be able to do it over the course of the rest of the weekend.

I feel productive today and I’m really not sure why being as I’ve been relatively lazy.  I cleaned up the main hallway at the house because it was driving me crazy.  I did a little laundry and now I’m knocking out some claims at work and making some phone calls.  While I know that it’s more than most people do on Saturday afternoons… it still feels as though I really haven’t done enough.  Being as I’m going to be here for a while I think I’m going to have Sean and I do some grocery shopping tonight after I get home.  By the time we make it out to Pathmark it should be late enough where the store is pretty much ours for the taking.  So that’ll be a quick hundred bucks that goes out the window.  But I’ve managed to get things down to about $120 a week … reasonable considering I’m shopping for four people and 7 days worth of food.  Right?

Rollin’ along…

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

It’s only Wednesday and I’m itching for it to be Friday.  I can’t wait until my paycheck comes in so I can get some bills paid and enjoy a little bit of self-pampering.  I’m going to pick out a new uber-cool nail polish and head down to the salon to get my eyebrows done, I’ve let them go for three weeks and even though I’ve been maintaining them myself I’d really like to get them touched up.  I’m also going to dye my hair because the gray roots are getting way too freaking long and it’s about time I do something about that.

I’ve already noted on that I’d like to start doing a little more with my sites and I know I’ve been saying it here for a while but with the way things are going lately I think I’d be able to properly budget my time for a little while so I can actually get something done.  Lately I’ve been putting in a lot of overtime at work and being as it’s approved for my department it’s not such a major deal anymore.  I’m now doing the Saturday afternoon shift completely by myself. Originally I was alternating with another co-worker but she doesn’t really like coming in on the weekends and noted that she’s not hurting for money as badly as I am right now.  Sean is bringing in really good money with a few clients he’s working with but I’m pretty much stuck within the same price-range every two weeks.  It’s paying the bills, and that’s all that matters right now.

Over the course of the next few months we’re really going to be skimping and saving just about everywhere we can.  We both have agreed that it’s time to move on with our lives and we need to get ourselves into a larger apartment and I really need to have my own car. I set my car budget around $12,000 and that’ll be more than enough to get me a 2007 or 2008 Chevy Cobalt that includes everything that I need in a car at this point in my life… power windows and decent gas mileage to get to and from work.  I’m going with a sedan as it will give me a little less to worry about on my car insurance and I’ll have an alarm system to give me even more of a break.  There’s also a defensive driving course that I could take to drop things down as well.  I’ll take as many deductions as I can at this point of my life.  I’m hoping to put about $5,000 to $6,000 aside for a down payment so I’m not stuck with a loan for an extended period of time.  It would help me out in the long run considering I’m still paying back my personal loan and all of the credit cards that I’ve managed to max out over the last year.

I’ve been at my current job for over a year and if you didn’t notice it’s put a major damper on just about everything INTERNET related for me.  I hardly check my email, and really had no interest in blogging for a very long time.  I was dealing with getting used to a 10-7 and that took up just about all of my energy.  Now that I’m in a fixed routine with all of that I’m learning to deal with everything else going on in my life.

My best friend passed away in February and that’s really been kicking my ass for the past few months because it was the last thing I’d ever expect.  Sean and I were rocky for a little while but now we’re back on course.  Bella went through surgery to have the tumor removed from her stomach and a few other things have sprung up over the rest of the year that have had my attention – mainly health related issues with both family members and myself.  It’ll all work itself out in the end so I’m not going to get that far into detail about it.

In any event… it’s after 10pm which means it’s past my bed time.  I don’t ever actually fall asleep until after 11:30 anyway… but I do try to be in bed so I can get some decent amount of sleep.  I’m working on about 5-6 hours a night and I’d really like to sleep for a full 8 hours once in a while.  There’s always the weekends I guess… that’s typically when I make up the time.  I make up for it more on Sunday than I do on Saturday considering I have to work but either way things are getting done and that’s all that matters.

So yea… I’m still working at the same job… I’m still dealing with my own gripes and issues with life.  I’m also hoping to get some time to myself so I can actually start doing something with the sites that I own… it’d be great.

Non Stop…

Sunday, June 7th, 2009

This week has been the week from hell and unfortunately it doesn’t look as though it’s going to let up any time soon.  On Wednesday it was announced that we’re switching over to the new system at work that has been in the ‘creation’ process for the past couple of months.  The problem with this is the fact that there has been absolutely no training put towards this system so everyone is basically lost right now.

We had a little bit of a ‘training’ session on Wednesday and come Thursday morning we were all kind of thrown into the system that has so many errors it’s unreal.  It’s heavily coded with ASP/AJAX and with the way it’s trying to read the database things just aren’t working out the way they’re supposed to.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen as much choas at work as I have in the past few days.  We’ve wound up switching over to the old system mid-way through the day on both Thursday and Friday because the productivity that we usually have with the old system was well beyond what we’re able to accomplish with the new one.  So it’s my hope that we’ll get to use the old system a little longer just so we keep moving at the pace that we’re accustomed to.  This new one has slowed us down so much it almost feels as though we’re wasting our time with it.

Over the course of the day on Thursday we were able to input about 100 assignments with the new system – this took us 8 hours.  However, when we got fed up and switched back to the old one we managed to put in about 150 assignments in the course of 45 minutes.  This has to tell you something when it comes to how things are going to look within the next few weeks.  As of right now I’ve got about 6 hours of overtime, this includes the two hours I’ve just spent at the office this morning (Yes, I also go in on Sunday mornings for a few hours – I told you this place was sucking the soul out of me!) – so my next paycheck should at least be for something decent which helps me considering there are a lot of bills to be paid in upcoming weeks.

On Friday I left at 6:30 – when I’m actually supposed to leave – and ran home in time to wash up and wait for Alicia and Dave to get to my house.  We were treating Dave to dinner for his birthday and went to Friendly’s.  Yesterday Alicia and I were out for a few hours at KMART and Dollar Tree to pick up stuff for the surprise party we’re holding for him later this afternoon.  So right now I’m finishing things up at work and Alicia’s going to pick me up and then we’re going to head back to her house to finish getting things together.

We have this pretty elaborate plan in order to keep Dave out of the house for the afternoon.  He keeps wondering when Sean and I are going to get married.  So I said “RING SHOPPING!”  So I gave Sean my dinky $7 walmart ring and said “Here, this is a half size too big for me, go to Zales and do some ring shopping – take Dave with you and then I’ll text you when I want you guys to head back to Alicia’s house”.  Alicia thought it was a great idea, Sean was confused (as usual) and Dave is completely clueless as to what’s going on so it’s working out VERY WELL right now.  As of my last text from Sean he and Dave are eating lunch at Johnny Rockets and then probably surfing through a few jewelry stores in the mall to see what he can ‘find’.  So that gets Dave out of the house and gives Alicia and I plenty of time to get the rest of the stuff setup.

I also told Sean to throw his bathing suit in the trunk of the car cause it’s a rather warm day and I know the pools open at her house.  Granted there really isn’t anyone going in the pool but I know Sean will more than likely dive right in anyway so at least it gives him something to do.  We more than likely won’t be there for that long, everyone has work tomorrow so she’s expecting things to clear up around 6:30.  Which is fine for me, I still have some things to do to prepare myself for the week ahead.

We’ll be down one person in Dispatch tomorrow, she’s taking a much deserved day off.  But Monday – unfortunately – is one of our CRAZY BUSY days.  So on top of going to the new system plus all of the claims we’re bombarded with on a Monday morning/afternoon – I’m hoping things run smoothly!

In any event, Alicia’s on her way here to pick me up.  Sean just sent me a text where he sounded surprised because the waiters/waitresses dance at Johnny Rockets during certain songs.  Boy is it going to be an INTERESTING day!


Monday, March 30th, 2009

I know that I’ve noted in previous entries that it was my goal to post more often.  Unfortunately the series of events that have happened over the past month have given me the lack of a drive to do so.  So while I appreciate an email every now and again asking how things are going, my honest response really is that I’M NOT DOING OK!  Anytime someone asked me something in the past I noted that I was fine…and even though I have never been fine….that’s just not the truth anymore.

I’m still taking Lucy’s death very, very hard.  It’s a lot different than Joe’s passing, but hurtful just the same.  With Joe, I knew he was going to die I just never believed it for my own selfishness.  He was sick for a very long time and it was only a matter of time before it caught up with him.

With Lucy, however, she wasn’t sick at all.  She was a very healthy person, she ate like a fat girl and was stuck in a skinny body but health wise, a random cold like any normal adult would be the only thing to get to her.  So being as she was in such a horrible car accident, the shock of waking up every morning without her being around is really beginning to take its toll on me.  I haven’t yet had my break down, I’ve been very weepy and depressed, but no breakdown in sight.  Typically they happen at the worst possible time and I honestly thought that the drive out to Deer Park was going to be worse for my weepyness but that ended in a few minutes, mainly once we got off of the 107-S.  I cried for a few minutes, a song triggered an old memory of when things were so much easier.  Unfortunately that’s just about all it did…it just triggered memories that I’ve been constantly replaying in my head but have been unable to show any strong emotions with it.  So yea, that’s where I stand with that.  It’s painful, and I just can’t seem to cry enough to the point that I just feel guilty.  I don’t know if my emotions have completely been shut off or what, but you’d think that with EVERYTHING going on right now I’d be able to be more than a zombie.

To add insult to injury – The growth on Bella’s stomach has been removed.  The biopsy results confirm that it was cancer, and now I need to bring her to a specialist to continue treatment.  I’m already putting in 40+ hours a week at work, and this just means that I’m going to have to step up on my design work so I can bring in some more money for the months ahead.  It really sucks that when things just start to get well and Sean and I get ahead on bills that some major thing just blows up in our faces.  He and I have also been having some trouble lately, but we know what’s wrong and we know what needed to be taken out of the situation and now we’re working on it.  I’m still completely and whole-heartedly pissed about it but everyone knows where they stand now.

So essentially, my reason for not having a complete emotional breakdown is due to the fact that I haven’t yet been able to deal with any single thing lately, there’s multiple things on my plate right now and I don’t really know which one to start with.  There’s a lot of changes at work, there’s changes in my love life, there’s changes in my family, and there are people missing who deserve to be here.  I still don’t understand why useless fat assholes are walking the earth refusing to do a damn thing with their lives and the “gods” take someone that was on a set path for greatness.  It confuses the shit out of me and just makes me bitter towards humanity in general.  Everyone wants something for nothing, no one wants to get off their asses and put in an honest days work because there’s always the “easy route”, but people like Lucy who were working and going to school to succeed in life – are just taken away from it.

Pat and I have spoken a bit over the course of the last month and he blew me away the first night at Lucy’s tree (it’s really done up, if you’re on 107-N going into Glen Cove you’ll know EXACTLY where it is), and he went on to tell me how even though he hasn’t physically been around for a while because of his bands schedule and what-not, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t working really hard to give Lucy the life and friendship she deserved.  He wanted her there when the band hits it big because she’s entitled to have friends that take her all over the place and where she gets the perks of celebrity, and everything else they’re working on.  And it really is true…she deserved so much better than she ever go.  All I could do is love and care for her, which is what friends do.  The perks of our friendship was she ate very well and if there was more than a 10 minute period of her not laughing and smiling when she was with me, that just means I had to push that much harder.

She deserved the ultimate happiness in life, not to die.  It’s as simple as that.

Not sure what’s going on…

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

This past week was a bit better than last weekend but not really by much.  September is just turning into one of those months that could probably be wiped off of the planet as far as I care.

Things have been going OK.  I’m learning a lot of new things and it’s a lot to take in but thankfully I pick up on things pretty quickly so I’ve been OK so far.  For the past week or so I’ve been in the training process by an uber-cool chick who’s had a lot of patience with me, even though I took over her desk.  Supposedly when I go in tomorrow I’ll have my own desk and computer but who knows if that’s going to happen because the one making it happen keeps changing his mind on things.  Either way I hope to be less of an inconvenience to her soon.

I know for sure that I’m going to keep this job, while I would prefer to be doing something in the design field, I guess I can handle just having a decent desk job for the time being.  The people are all nice, it’s relatively easy work (once you get the hang of it) and the downside for me is the amount of time I’m probably going to have to spend on the phone but eventually I’ll suck it up and get over it.

Everyone is sick.  A kid at work had walking Pneumonia, I had my abscess kicking my ass for a few days, colds and germs are flying around all of the schools right now thanks to whoever was incapable of covering their mouth when they coughed.  Lu got pretty sick this past week as well, but her’s was more chest pain than anything.  Sean’s allergies have been kicking his ass pretty bad this week as well.  I really hope that there’s enough medicine in the world to cover everyone else that’s sick.  Thankfully I was able to steer clear of the Pneumonia because of the antibiotics that I’ve been on.  The downside is the abscess is coming back on the other side AGAIN.  I don’t want to live on antibiotics the rest of my life so I really need to get my teeth straightened out.

I want to hold off until I have Insurance this way I’m not shelling out $2k per tooth considering the three root canals that I need as of right now.  I kind of wish everything would just fall out and then I can worry about implants or something.  At least they wouldn’t hurt as bad as the real ones.  I’ll take a screw over an infected nerve any day!

Alicia was in New Orleans when the hurricane hit this past week, and upon evacuation she made her way up to Mobile, AL which was currently under tornado warnings.  Thankfully after a lot of shit she was able to make it home so she’s at least safe and sound right now.

The storm that was supposed to be “oh so bad” for the Island was a total dud last night.  It moved itself further north than originally anticipated so we were hit with some minor wind but I’ll admit it was a fairly decent amount of rain.  I was soaked to the bone TWICE before I picked up an umbrella and all of the wind managed to knock that out of play within a half hour of it’s purchase.  Why can’t they make them stronger the way they used to?  Dad had a huge umbrella for the last 20 years or so that finally gave out on him, it was solid wood and never once had an issue.  I know you can get them for $3-$4 but Jesus…make them last  a little longer!?

I’m a week behind on email, I know it’s pissing a lot of people off but the lack of time does play a major role in things right now.  I’m trying to figure out how to schedule everything so I have a few extra hours during the day so I can maintain my own business but I’m not sure how that’s going to happen if I can’t change my hours at work.  I’m doing 10-7,  I’d like to do 8-5 or even 9-6 this way I’m home at a semi-reasonable hour where I can sit down and have dinner and then work until I have to go to sleep to do it all over again for tomorrow.  I don’t personally see that happening right now though.  Maybe in the future I’ll be able to do it, but not too sure as of right now and trust me when I say that’s getting on my nerve.

I have three accounts to complete – to my knowledge – and the only REAL time I have for them is on the Weekends. I look at a computer all day long but I’m not permitted to check personal email at work. I can understand their reasons for it, most of the sites are actually blocked anyway, as far as I know.

Within the next couple of weeks Sean and I are going to get the cell phone stuff situated.  We’re going with Verizon because they have better coverage on the Island (mainly due to the slew of cell towers, on the north shore at least.  I know for sure that I’m picking up the Voyager and slapping a data plan onto it for unlimited browsing and what not.  My second choice is the pink BlackBerry Curve (8330).  Either one would give me all of the options I need.  Sean is looking to pick up a flip phone but he does want the ability to get online so I have no idea of what choice he’s going to make.  Either way we should have all of that taken care of soon.

In any event, time to check my email. – oy!

Super Shitty Weekend

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

I left work on Friday with the goal of doing some minor clothes shopping over the weekend and then basically vegging out. While I did get myself down to DOTS, things still didn’t go as planned.

Saturday was some-what of a down day, minus the fact that my tooth was bothering me. My sister treated Sean and I to dinner and her and I were both vegging out in the living room playing with the dog. The next thing we hear is this extremely loud bang and our doorbell rings three times, very quickly. By this time Bella had made her way down to the door because she tends to bark with door bells, not uncommon with bratty animals. I go out to see what’s up and I’m then thrown into the dumbest argument in the world with the guy who lives in the next apartment.

He came out in a fury stating that I had gone out of my way to let Bella into his apartment to rip his papers up and have her take a shit on his carpet. Yes, this was his complaint. I had the “audacity” to find a key for his door, let my dog in to take a crap, and then bring her back into my apartment with out anyone seeing me.

Let’s back up a little bit though, shall we? I’ve lived in this building for 20 some-odd years. My grandmother owns the building and when she’s not around we’re basically the ‘active landlords’. Meaning, if somethings busted – it gets fixed. For as long as I’ve lived here I’ve never ONCE gone into any of the other apartments if there were tenants renting. I was in Jen’s apartment a lot when she was living up here but we were friends and the kids loved the dog. However, she moved out in 2006. I have not stepped foot into that apartment since.  I lived in DE for a year and a half with Sean and ever since I’ve been back up here, and working, the only thing I wish to do at the end of the day is go into my bedroom and crash.

Now, at night I have my friend Lucy over.  Sometimes it will be Alicia and Dave as well.  Hell, we’ll even throw Colin into the mix sometimes.  We hang out on the porch sitting at MY table (nope, not a community table for the other tenants, it’s mine – I’ve been using it for years.  ANYONE who’s been here, knows that.  It’s my designated smoking section.  The table just happens to be about 10 feet from his (neighbors) window.  We make every effort in the world to not get too rowdy and he’s also never said a damn thing to me about the noise.

So let’s fast forward to Saturday (again).  He’s going on and on about how I’m disrespectful and I have 15 minutes to find the landlord (grandparent’s) or I’ll be sorry (Yes, this is called a threat!).  So I called her house, no answer, I was then told by my sister (who works for my grandparents) that they’re out at a party.  So he’s continuing to scream that I need to call her.  Explaining the lack of alternate contact means nothing to this prick.  Thankfully, however, my sister had my grandfather’s cell phone number.  So I call and the conversation basically went like this:

Me: Momma? The douche in the middle apartment claims that I put Bella into his apartment to take a shit and rip up his crap.

Momma: What?

Me: Yea, he’s screaming that I need to call you or I’ll be sorry.

Momma: What does he want me to do?  I’m no where near town, call your father.

Me: OK, but I’m sure he’ll have a major complaint on Tuesday.

(Yes, every time he goes downstairs to pay the rent or just to cause trouble – he’ll give someone a face full about the horrible living conditions and storm off.  Asshole, you’re paying $700 a month for a small studio apartment, utilities and cable included – get a fucking life).

So I call my father, he can’t leave work because he’s the only one there.  And at this point there’s steam coming out of this guys ears.  He’s waving this tiny piece of toilet paper around claiming it was my dog who shit there.  Now, I knew just looking at it that it wasn’t hers.  Why?  She’s been sick all week and shitting green liquid, this was a perfectly formed brown turd that resembled the large turd sitting on the grass down on the sidewalk (which at this point, was no longer there – guess who stepped in shit?)

My mother was then called in, she sent someone down for EMS to hold down the fort until a cop could get up here.  The douche-bag was screaming about how he’d call the cops so I went out of my way to have them called for him.  I know, and anyone who knows me, knows I wouldn’t allow my dog into someone else’s apartment – especially if it was just to take a shit.  What douche-bag doesn’t understand is that I wouldn’t do anything to screw up someone else’s income and I know that while he’s paying shit money it’s still keeping the mortgage paid on this building.

So the EMT shows up and has no idea as to what’s going on, we explain that he’s here for SHIT, literally.  He then laughs, which is no surprise because I found it amusing as well.  The cops are taking a while to get here, which is no surprise considering the police department in this town absolutely SUCKS because they’re too busy bull shitting with each other.  Saturday, there was supposedly some large fight down in the Landing (horrible area) where all hands were on deck.  One managed to sneak away, he came up the stairs with a shit-eating-grin on his face and my sister (known for diarrhea of the mouth) started in on him.  She explained the situation, he chuckled and then went into the guys apartment.

We knew we were fucked the second he opened the door.  They’re best fucking friends.  So he walks in, see’s the crap and then turns around to come out to us and point the finger.  Why? Because of course you’ll take HIS side over mine.  So I threw a hissy fit (with valid reason, of course). The douche bag comes out of his apartment and starts shooting his mouth off in a different tone than before the cop had shown up.

Supposedly I let the dog run loose whenever I please (even though she’s never outside with me anymore).  I’m outside of his window smoking up with friends until 3am and he’s going to have this place raided for drugs.  Yea – that’ll fly.  I’ll gladly piss in a cup or have a needle rip some blood out of my arm to prove his theories are shit.  Why? Because I’ve never touched anything illegal in my life.  AND I’m picked on for it too.  Heaven forbid I think anyone who smokes up or sniffs is a loser (recreational or not).  I do smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day but I’m also 23 years old and it’s completely legal to do.

The cop didn’t believe anyone of us when we told him that douche bag threatened us, he also believed that I’m that disrespectful and would actually allow my dog to shit in someone else’s apartment.  So the cop wrote down our information, laughed and then left.

Supposedly he later went down to EMS and spoke to my step-father (who sent over the EMT) and explained that this guy was a nut job and not to take him too seriously.

So I was close to killing someone, I walked into the house and almost put my fist through a wall because I needed to get the rage out of me, and taking it out on the douche bag just wasn’t worth the jail time (because yes – I was angry enough to do it in front of a cop).  I called Lucy and told her to basically get her ass over here ’cause I needed OUT and angry driving wasn’t an option.  We hung out in Bayville for a little bit, she brought me back here ’cause something came up with her girlfriend.  I then called Alicia and her and Dave picked me up and I was out long enough where I could mellow out.  Staying here was absolutely not an option for me on Saturday.

This entire time, my tooth is freaking killing me.  I just came off antibiotics for another tooth and then I knew damn well that the other side of my mouth was going to blow up like bloody hell.


I wake up in a lot of pain, I can see the swelling going up on my left cheek and I haven’t been in this kind of pain since the last time I dealt with an abscess in my mouth.  This one, unfortunately, I knew was going to be much – much worse.  Why? It’s one of my top teeth and when you have an abscess that close to your optic nerve you know the turn out isn’t going to be good.  So I chugged some aspirin and then took some antibiotics that I had left over from a previous infection (horrible teeth – estimated $16,000 worth of work to get me back to where I need to be.  Front teeth are fine, it’s ALL the back ones that are shot to shit!).

I did some shopping with Sean to get some clothes for work – I still don’t have all of my stuff up here yet. Came back here and basically went to sleep.


I woke up with the intent of getting to work and just relaxing while I’m training.  It didn’t work out that way though.  I woke up and couldn’t see out of my left eye.  It’s not that it was swollen shut – it’s that it was completely black.  When I pressed down on the intense swelling around my upper lip/nose area – my vision went from black to blurry – OK so the infection went up further than I thought it would.  I schedule an emergency appointment with the dentist so I can be put back on antibiotics and then I call in to work and explain that I’ll be absent for the day.

I go to the dentist, and instead of giving me antibiotics up front he wants x-rays done.  So I’m being poked and shifted and I’m changing rooms because his machines are messed up (for some reason).  They finally get the two x-rays they need (out of the 3-4 taken) and he then goes on to tell me how much trouble I’m in and tells me that if the nerve was completely dead he’d give me a root canal right then and there but being how I’m so infected the pain would be unbearable.  So he gave me Amoxicillian, asked if I wanted a pain killer but I refused because I have aspirin, and then sent me on my way after he told me I’m going back on September 9th at 8am for a double root canal – yea, like I can go to work after that.  I’ve got no choice though.

I slept for the rest of the day, in an extreme amount of pain and knew that Tuesday wasn’t going to be any better.


I wake up and the swelling is worse than it’s ever been before, my eye is swollen shut and I called in.  I slept for the bulk of the day and then told myself that as long as I can see on Wednesday I’m going to have to go in.  I’m on probation and thankfully a doctors note is the only way I can keep my job right now.  I’m still in training, I was supposed to do a lot more this week too, so I have no idea what’s going to happen today.


It’s pushing 9:30 and I need to get out of here.  I hope my time out of the house is much better than the crap I’ve been dealing with in-house.

Keeping Busy

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

After a long talk with Sean, I’m moving back up to New York permanently.  There’s a lot going on up here as far as family is concerned and I’m at a point in my life where I’m supposed to be out on my own, but I’m also the kind of person where family always comes first.  So I’ve actively been putting in resumes to places all over Long Island in just about any industry I can find.  I’ve applied to numerous web design jobs, secretarial jobs, even to a company that just lists products on eBay.

My recent application was to the hospital here in town, it’s my mother’s old job (technically) and I know for sure that they want her back.  She’s unable to do that at this point in time so I applied and now I’ve just got my fingers crossed.  It’s per-diem work but once you have your foot in the door you’re basically set.  So I can start at per-diem (basically call you when they need you) and within a few weeks I can be full time – it really just depends on what they need and when they need it.

We’ve been in NY for much longer than we’d originally planned.  Sean doesn’t want to go back down to DE by himself, and I don’t blame him.  I know I’ll miss him too, considering we just celebrated our two-year anniversary.  So it’s been a very difficult choice to make but as soon as there’s enough money coming in, and an apartment in a reasonable price range opens up we’ll be able to get him moved up here and we can continue our life together on our own.  I know the first couple of weeks are going to be hard on us, only because we haven’t not been together for the last year and a half (considering we’re living together) but I’m completely confident that we’ll be able to handle it so I’m not too concerned in that department.

We’re staying up here for another week or so and then heading back down to either pack my stuff or go back to the drawing board.  If I know for sure that there’s no job up here than I don’t know if I’ll stay here.  I want to, I really miss everyone, I just don’t want to leave Sean and still not have any money coming in up in NY, it wouldn’t change my situation at all – in many regards it would make it worse.

So I’m crossing my fingers in hopes to hear something from someone up here.  I did apply to a place out in Brooklyn that I’m crossing just about everything for.  It’s a great salary and it’s in the web design field and that to me would be a dream-job situation.  They’re looking for a front end developer with strong HTML/CSS and Blog skills.  I guess being a one-trick-pony for the past couple of months is something to laugh about now considering I’ll be able to use that portfolio to get my foot in the door.  It’s a dream job that I’m going to have to travel for though.  Luckily it’s only a block or two from the train station so I’m not too concerned about the commute.  I can very easily get to the train here in the morning without any real issues – it’s right up the block so if I have a car or not I should be able to handle it.

In any event, I have to push some more applications and get started on some design work.  I also need to finish some work for Adam.  He has a very complicated template that needs to be coded for CSS.  I’ve had to really stretch my know-how just to get the basics done.  A lot of layers on top of layers and being able to accomplish that without absolute positioning is working out pretty well.

Hot damn!

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Sean and I just got back from the Mechanic.  We brought our car in because of a pretty funky issue we were having, unfortunately I was the only one to ever seem to experience this issue.  Whenever I would turn on the car the battery light would come on, knowing it’s a good battery I assumed it could be the alternator not properly sending charge to the battery.  This wasn’t the case at all.

I asked my neighbor of 20 years if he could take a look at it for me, because it’s an issue where I just didn’t feel safe driving the car, so of course I’ll talk to an off-the-clock mechanic before I actually bring it in to one.  He turned on the car and saw the battery light almost instantly go on, he then noticed that the air conditioner was shooting out hot air and that’s not normal.  A few moments later the hood started smoking – we’re leaking anti-freeze.  He told us that we’d need a serpentine belt, possibly a water pump and maybe a hose or two fixed but he couldn’t tell where other leaks were coming from, being as they were covered in anti-freeze.

So we call up the garage up the block, talk to the ball-busting mechanic and was told to bring the car in on Tuesday (mind you – this was Friday).  For the past few days we’ve been bored out of our minds, it’s not that there’s nothing going on here it’s that we’re used to just being able to get up and go and being kind of stuck for a few days doesn’t help our moods.  I know I was bored out of my mind on Saturday, to the point that I was about to pop a gasket.

We’ve used my sister’s car for the quick errands, I really hate driving her car.  While it handles well, she needs rear-brakes and it would help if she had rear break lights as well.  There’s a big hole on her bumper that is causing the wiring underneath to corrode and when it rains she just has no back-end lights at all.  No blinker, no rear breaks – nothing.  So of course making the attempt to drive this thing at night was absolutely stupid of us.  She can deal with the tickets, we certainly don’t want to.

So since it was so bright out and close to impossible to actually see the back-end lights thanks to the way the sun is sitting in the sky – we were able to safely make it to the mechanic.  It only cost us $300 for a water pump, serpentine belt and a refill on the anti-freeze.  A very good price considering the estimate was $380 (originally).  I’m not sure if the name-dropping helped the price (considering my grandfather knows the guy) but either way, someone’s on our side.

So he drove my sisters car home and I drove ours.  And the reason for “Hot damn!” – it drives better than it ever has before, we very obviously have needed a water pump for a while now but I think since we only ever seem to do short-term in-town driving, it really didn’t matter too much.  The 5 hour drive from Delaware to New York is basically what did it for us.  Thankfully it happened after we had made it to town, it’s not like we were stranded on the Southern State Parkway or anything.  We managed to make it to the North Shore with absolutely no issues at all – and I have to say I’m pleased about that.

So everything is perfect now, we’ll figure out when we’re going to head back down to Delaware but at the advice of the mechanic, we’re going to stay up here for a day or two to drive the car on short distances and then go from there.  I’m not sure if we’re going anywhere tonight, but he’s talking about picking up dinner so maybe we’ll wind up going out and doing something.  If not tonight, we may take a quick trip to New Hyde Park tomorrow and poke around at a few different places – I know there’s a comic book store there that he wanted to see, and I know I want to see if PETS is still there so I can stand outside and warn people of the horrible condition they leave their animals in.  Thank god for veterinarians, or I wouldn’t have her.

Never buy a dog, cat, small mammal, fish, or reptile at PETS of New Hyde Park, they’re sleazy assholes.


Saturday, July 5th, 2008

This is one of those days where the truly isn’t anything going on.  I spent my fourth in house with my dog and a sleeping boyfriend.  He hasn’t been feeling very well so we decided it would be best to stay in.  The original plans were rained out anyway so it wasn’t a total loss.  I caught up on a few things, messed around in Photoshop for a few projects and now it’s knocking on 5AM but I’m not even close to being tired yet.  I know Bella’s exhausted, I can hear her snoring from here.  Considering she’s at the other end of the apartment, it’s safe to say she enjoyed her toys all day to the point that her compact little self basically just went ahead and crashed.

My father is pulling a double shift, he should be home in about 2 hours from now.  He left at 3PM this afternoon and since 7AM is rolling in – I’m sure he’ll be exhausted.  I’m tempted to just stay up for the whole day and then crash later on in the evening but I know that’s not actually going to work out.  I have to pull some stuff out of the dryer and get the beds setup so I can go to sleep.  Sean was so tired he’s sleeping on a bare mattress.  I personally can’t handle that but I’m sleeping on the floor tonight anyway so I’ll be able to get the sheet back on the aero-bed with no problems.  We alternate between the bed and the floor, it’s the only way to save our backs.  Mine isn’t doing very well at all – the lack of proper seating is taking it’s toll on me.  While I absolutely love being “home” I have to say that finding a chair that you don’t just sink into would be much better for me.  Big comfy furniture is great, but not when you have chronic back-problems, you know?

My old bed (twin) is rather comfortable, which I’ve proven for the last couple days of over sleeping.  The aero-bed, I just can’t seem to get the proper pressure set to it so no matter what I do I tend to be uncomfortable.  It’s my luck that I’ll have finally figured it out the last night that we’re here so that’s going to be annoying but I am looking forward to falling into my big comfy king bed when we get back to Delaware.

If all goes well we do hope to be moving up to New York within the next 6 months or so.  That heavily depends on a few job applications I sent in up here, as well as quite a few freelance jobs that I’ve quoted.  We know that in order to come up here we’re going to need to earn about $4,000 a month in total.  So finding a position that will bring me at least $2,000 a month shouldn’t be so hard.  I just need to get myself into an office where I’m making $15-$20 an hour.

I applied for a job on the Island that I found on some job-search site (not sure which one – considering there are like 10 of them that I surf through regularly).  I sent in my resume and hopefully I’ll hear something, starting salary is $75,000/yr.  I think that will easily bring in the $13,000 a year I’d need to find a decent apartment up here.  I’m thinking of looking into my grandmothers building (only because I know everything so well) but I may see what I can find at the Avalon – I really like their rules, even though no one else seems to.

I’m the kind of person who can’t stand chaos, and this is coming from someone whom has a rather large extended family.  But at the same time, if I’m going to be spending about $2,000 a month on rent I want to know that I’m going to be able to enjoy the experience.  The Avalon has a series of rules that would drive a few people crazy but the big ones for me really make it worth spending that kind of money.

1 – Children are to be seen and not heard.
2 – Pets are to be seen and not heard.
3 – No loud parties.
4 – Guests are to be cleared with the main desk.

All that says to me is silence, and no crazy wacko’s walking around the building at all hours of the night.  Private off-street parking which makes me feel safe considering the area that most of the Avalon’s are located on the Island aren’t the best.  Private pool and massive work-out rooms so I’ll be able to keep on track with my diet.  The in-house washer/dryer helps me a lot too, apartments can also come furnished if requested so why wouldn’t I do it?

It’s a lot to think about, either way I’ll have to wait and see what happens.  I’ll tell you now that if they hire me I’m going to take the weekend to head back down to Delaware and pack my stuff to come back up here – I’ll stay with my father for a little while until I can find an apartment of my own and once that happens Sean will come up and the rest is history.

It would be nice, it would be flat out fantastic but money talks … unfortunately.