Archive for the ‘Dieting’ Category

Doing Good

Monday, May 21st, 2007

I’ve been doing pretty good at sticking to my diet today. I’ve had 3 meals and have only taken in about 600 calories. It’s my goal to burn about 7000 calories a week so I can average 2lbs per week. I just snacked on some crackers, I’m still feeling a bit nauseous for some reason. I have a lot of work to do today though, I can’t really just sit back and relax no matter how bad I’m feeling. I guess I should get around to that now. I know there’s a few domains to setup, then I have some other design work to do. With the email downtime yesterday, however, I can’t seem to find anything I need when it comes to getting the clients site in order. Hopefully I can find the email and go from there.

Excellent Advise

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

When I come across a valuable resource, I typically like to share. I’ve found something on that I think would be interesting for any dieter. Below are 20 tips for permanent weight loss.

  • Exercise 30 to 60 minutes each day. If time is limited, exercise for several brief periods throughout the day ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äù for example, three 10-minute sessions rather than one 30-minute session.
  • Eat three healthy meals during the day, including a good breakfast. Skipping meals causes increased hunger and may lead to excessive snacking.
  • Focus on fruits and vegetables. Top off your morning cereal with sliced strawberries or bananas. Stir berries or peaches in yogurt or cottage cheese. Liven up your sandwiches with vegetables, such as tomato, lettuce, onion, peppers and cucumber.
  • Weigh yourself regularly. Monitoring your weight can tell you whether your efforts are working and can help you detect small weight gains before they become even larger.
  • Don’t keep comfort foods in the house. If you tend to eat high-fat, high-calorie foods when you’re upset or depressed or bored, don’t keep them around. Availability of food is one of the strongest factors in determining how much a person eats.
  • Plan a family activity. Get the family together to go for a bike ride, play disc golf or kick the ball around in the yard.
  • Eat healthy foods first. Eat foods that are healthy and low in calories first so that when it comes time to enjoy your favorites ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äù sweets or junk food, for example ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äù you won’t be so hungry.
  • Pay attention to portions. Serve meals already dished onto plates instead of placing serving bowls on the table. Take slightly less than what you think you’ll eat. You can always have seconds, if really necessary.
  • Create opportunities to be active. Wash your car at home instead of going to the car wash. Bike or walk to the store. Participate in your kid’s activities at the playground or park.
  • Sit down together for family meals. Avoid eating in front of the television. TV viewing strongly affects how much and what people eat.
  • See what you eat. Eating directly from a container gives you no sense of how much you’re eating. Seeing food on a plate or in a bowl keeps you aware of how much you’re eating.
  • Vary your activities. Regularly change your activity routine to avoid exercise burnout. Walk a couple of days, swim another and go for a bike ride on the weekend. Seek out new activities ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äù karate, ballroom dancing, cross-country skiing, tennis or Pilates.
  • De-stress your day. Stress can cause you to eat more. Develop strategies that can help you relax when you find yourself becoming stressed. Exercise, deep breathing, muscle relaxation techniques and even a good laugh can ease stress.
  • Eat at home. People eat more food in restaurants than at home. Limit how often you eat at restaurants. If you do eat out, decide what and how much you’re going to eat before you start and have the rest boxed to go.
  • Plan healthy snacks. The best snacks include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Fruit smoothies, sliced fresh fruit and yogurt, whole-grain crackers, and carrot and celery sticks with peanut butter are all good choices.
  • Start your day with a high-fiber breakfast cereal, such as bran flakes, shredded wheat or oatmeal. Opt for cereals with “bran” or “fiber” in the name. Or add a few tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran to your favorite cereal.
  • Walk for 10 minutes over your lunch hour or get up a few minutes earlier in the morning and go for a short walk.
  • Plan a week’s worth of meals at a time. Make a detailed grocery list to eliminate last-minute trips to the grocery store and impulse buys.
  • Look for a distraction when you’re fighting a craving. Call a friend, put on music and dance or exercise, clean the house, pull weeds in your garden, or run an errand. When your mind is occupied with something else, the cravings quickly go away.
  • Reward yourself. Losing weight and keeping the pounds off is a major accomplishment. Celebrate your success with nonfood rewards, such as new clothes or an outing with friends.

Atlantic City – Here I come!

Saturday, May 12th, 2007

I woke up about 6am so that I could get myself ready to hop on the Cape May/Lewes Ferry at it’s 9am departure towards Cape May. After that I’ll be spending about an hour in the car and stopping at the beautiful Harrah’s Hotel & Casino. Baby and I are both excited because this is one of our first real vacations together. I set myself up in the Bayview tower, which is the new one that they were building the last time I went to A.C., I hear it’s actually pretty gorgeous inside so I’m anticipating it. It’ll be nice to sleep in a bed that doesn’t kill my back, I’ll tell you now that even if I don’t win any substantial amount of money as I did last time, just sleeping on a good mattress for a few nights will be completely worth it.

Dad will make his appearence around 3pm. I have to make it a point to be by the doors around that time so hopefully I’ll be able to find my watch, I’ve been searching for it all morning (Update: Found it, w00t!).

I still have a few things to do around the house, there’s about an hour left before we leave and I need to get the bedroom in order for Bella because she’ll be locked in there until tomorrow evening. Baby’s mom is going to make it a point to let her out for us on Sunday so that she isn’t cooped up in the room the whole weekend. I just need to throw some extra food and water down and then I’m sure she’ll be fine.

It’s going to be a litte bit difficult to stick to diets this weekend but I also know that each floor in Bayview towers is about 1/4 mile, so I may wind up walking the halls for a little while to get in my solid 4 miles a day. I know I’ll be doing a lot of walking around the casino but that’s mainly stop and go kind of walking, nothing consecutive.

Once my father meets up with us we’re probably going to head to Showboat and Caesar’s, I have quite a few comps to cash in on. I’m actually going to have to travel around for all three days based on all of the comps I have. There’s 3 to be done today, a few for Sunday and then probably 4 or 5 to be played on Monday before we start the long drive back home. I would have liked to take the ferry home, especially considering the moon rise, but then we’d have to leave around 5PM and if anyone has been on the Garden State Parkway at rush hour then you can understand my wanting to wait. We’ll just have to do our 2 hours in the car down the Jersey Turnpike – that should be HEAPS of fun…I swear.

In any event, I should get my butt in gear. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. It’s supposed to be some gorgeous weather for the next few days so hopefully you can all get out in the sun and soak up some vitamin D!

I’m extremely excited, I really hope that I have good news to come home and share.

Friday, May 11th, 2007

I’ve been working on a few side projects. While none of them are 100% where I’d like them to be right now, I can say that there is one ready to be ‘published’.

My newest blog is located at I purchased the domain off Elizabeth when I found out that she was selling it. I wanted to start a weight-loss blog but didn’t exactly know where I wanted to place it. I had a private one located in a sub folder here but it just didn’t feel right. Once I saw the domain name, however, I fell in love.

I know I’m never going to be a skinny-mini chick and I seriously wouldn’t want to be either. I’ve always been a big girl and I don’t believe getting down to 120lbs would be the best thing for me. My goal is to get down to the 200 range, I only have 48 pounds left to go and the blog will be my outlet for everything.

Eventually it will house weight-loss resources and both free and paid blog templates for those with weight loss, fitness, food and regular journals – no matter what the topic. If you have a weight loss / fitness blog and would like to be linked, just email me and I’ll add you to the Blogroll.

I joined up a fairly large blogroll based on fitness/health blogs so hopefully my name will be plugged in there soon. For now, however, I’m very happy going through links and learning that I’m not the only one doing very well with this quest.

Plastic Surgery 101

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

There are many aspects to plastic surgery that scare the bajesus out of me. Both men and women are going to great lengths to tighten, tuck, suck out or even implant something into their bodies. Beverly Hills rhinoplasty is almost as popular as getting your hair done. There’s many Los Angeles plastic surgery technicians that are doing everything they possibly can to ‘improve’ what men, women and children were given at birth.

I don’t know if I’d personally ever have plastic surgery. Sure, there are things about my body that I hate but I’m also working on them at the moment, without having to be knocked unconscious to reach my goals. Some people don’t grasp this concept though. Lunch-time Lypo is something that also scares me. Instead of going out for coffee, you can be treated with a local and watch the fat being sucked out of your stomach. Resources like help you understand more about surgery so that you can understand cosmetic surgery including expected results, recovery and even those whom are candidates for the surgery itself. There are detailed procedure descriptions, news and trends, even before and after photos. Sure, this kind of a resource can be valuable for those who are seriously going to get themselves onto the surgery bandwagon but even reading through the resources, it still turns my stomach a little bit.

Six Days!

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

Atlantic City is six days away and I’m nervous because I’m sure I won’t win as well as I did the last time but I get to spend some much needed time with my father so it’ll even itself out. I have to remind myself that I have to call him to bring a few books down with him that I left at the house. I can’t believe I actually moved 3 states away with out my damn cook books. What was I thinking?

I did fairly well today as far as dieting is concerned. I stuck to it as much as I could, I did chug down some lemonade but that was at a moment of complete weakness and the rush of sugar kind of made my head spin. I’ve been drinking crystal light for so long that I almost forgot what sugar tasted like. I won’t make that mistake again though, that’s for sure. I’m working on getting baby into this too but he’s so set in his ways that I don’t know if it’s going to work. I guess if I keep pushing him, something will happen.

A few very busy days of work coming up for me, I’m psyched about it because that means more money to play with in A.C., Yep…I’m addicted but not to the point of wiping my life savings. I’ll go up there with the $1,000 goal I gave myself and just enjoy everything I can. I just hope I hit to big pots the way I did the first time ::Crosses Fingers::

Date Night in O.C.

Friday, May 4th, 2007

Before I went to sleep the other night, baby and I had a talk about how we don’t spend too much time together. Yesterday I woke up to him saying “Take a shower, we’re going out!”. After getting a few things done around the house, we took a drive down to Ocean City, MD. We had dinner, walked on the boardwalk and just enjoyed our time down there.

I’m not sure how many days it lasts, typically, but we walked into the Springfest. Usually when we go down to OC we don’t have to pay to park, but yesterday was different. Paid $5 and then spent about 4 hours walking on the boardwalk. It’s a five mile stretch but we only did about 2 miles because we kept stopping by all of the little shops there. I kicked his ass in skiball, no matter what he wants to claim. I also did fairly well on a few of their slot machines. It sucks that it was only tokens being shot out of it instead of real money. I’m just itching to get myself back to a real slot machine because both he and I were on FIRE picking up all of those tokens, heh.

I actually kind of like it down in Ocean City, I know that a lot of things aren’t open year round but when things are open it’s nice to be around there. Their pizza is far better than anything you can find in Delaware and as far as ice cream is concerned, they’ve got fairly decent soft serve. I’m a carvel lover but Dumsers Dairyland isn’t that bad.

Yes, I broke my diet but I did walk off quite a bit of it. I had my yogurt and low-fat crackers this morning to try to justify it. I took a smaller portion than usual just so I didn’t feel so guilty. I’m also working on my green tea at the moment too. It’s a gorgeous day so I’ll be out taking a long walk in a little bit anyway.
After we got home last night I wound up going right to sleep. I’m not quite used to falling asleep before midnight, hell – I was knocked out by 11:15 in reality. It felt good to wake up at 8am though. Hopefully I can stay on this schedule which will make it easier to get work in order and what not.

Speaking of work, it’s a little after 9am now so I guess I should start my day.

Grocery Shopping and what not…

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

I did really well at the super market tonight. I thought it was going to be weird reading all of the labels for carbohydrates and cholesterol but once I got around that nervous feeling, I picked up some really tasty things. I’m loaded up with yogurt, crystal light (of course) and chicken breast that I’ll probably have baby grill up for me sometime over the course of the next few days so I have something to throw into my salads. I also went a little nuts on fruit but there’s really nothing wrong there. Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, Watermelon, Bananas, nothing in that list could really do any harm. So I’m happy about that.

This is getting easier and easier every day. I really will reach my goal, I can feel it!

A few people have asked me what “get thin quick” scheme I was doing because I was talking about so many different programs I was interested in trying. My only response is “none of them”. Any one will tell you that starving yourself doesn’t work. If you eat a few times a day with a serious portion control hanging over your head, walk a few miles a day, and keep yourself active in general – you’re going to lose weight.

Baby and I have been walking a lot more, I’ve been eating better and in on Memorial Day Weekend, the private clubhouse for this complex will be open. They’ll not only have a pool but they’ve got a weight room as well. Considering the bulk of the people living in this community are more active during the day (most of them are…well…old) I’m sure that they’ll be no one in there at night to watch me work out. This is something I’ve felt embarrassed about for a while now, actually. It’s the whole self-esteem issue of growing up as “the fat girl” that plays a huge roll in this. There’s no room in the house for a treadmill so I’m going to have to suck it up and head down there. I’m sure once I’ve dropped a few more pounds I’ll be willing to do it during the day but for now, I’ll stick to my walk around the complex with Bella during the day and my faster pace walk on the boardwalk at night.

I tend to do better on the boardwalk than I do in the complex. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore get me into a pretty determined mindset to push myself to my limits and it works out quite well. I’ve lost approximately 12lbs in two weeks and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

They don’t fit!

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

While I was getting ready to go to the supermarket this evening, I realized that while I was putting my jeans on – they went up a lot easier than they have in the past. While I don’t wear clothing that’s tight on me, or too baggy for that matter, I’ve been lucky enough to find the right pair of jeans that I absolutely adore, to the point that I’ve been wearing them to death.

There’s now a lot more room in them than their ever was before. This both shocked me, and ticked me off. Yes, it’s great that my diet is working for me but it absolutely sucks to realize that sometime in the near future I’m going to have to start buying myself some new clothes. When I’m around the house I typically wear shirts that are a few sizes too big for me. This is more for comfort than anything else. Now, however, these shirts seem to be even larger then they were previously.

I’m doing something right…and I’m damn sure going to stick to it.

Crystal Light

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

I’ve been drinking A LOT of water lately. I think I’ve gone through about 3 gallons in the last two days. I know they say to drink 8 glasses of water a day but wow, I think I’m pushing it…lol. I’ve randomly been mixing in different flavors of the crystal light to-go packs. I’m just getting low on them so until I can get back to the store, I’m going to be back to just drinking plain water. I’ve tried quite a bit of the packs, many different ones and the two I hate the most are fruit punch and peach. The rest of them are good. I’m really digging the mango green tea, but my favorites are strawberry kiwi and raspberry lemonade. I didn’t think I could get away with drinking stuff like this but when it’s all natural favoring and isn’t loaded with sugar, it makes me happy.


Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

We decided to hold off until about 6:30 before we ordered anything. The diner wasn’t an option that was going to benefit either one of us. The food is too greasy for me and Baby really didn’t want a burger from them considering how horrible the taste. We’re going to wait until this little mom and pop shop opens up and then call in an order from there. I figured I’d just get myself some breakfast. They’ve got some pretty decent omlets but I know there’s a whole muffin case so maybe I’ll load up on some whole-grains today instead of eggs. I haven’t quite decided yet.

I’m still getting some work done here and there on other things. I’m trying very hard to get Bella to eat but she just refuses to do it lately and I really wish I understood why. She’s only eating about once a day and at this point it’s been over 24 hours since she last ate anything. I really need to get her to the vet, that’s just more money going out than I’d like. I need to remind myself to call the groomer today too. I think a lot of her discomfort is based on the fact that her hair is starting to get a little matted and it’s bothering her. I want to assume that once I get that fixed, then everything else will slowly follow.

Back to work I go…

I Hungie.

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

I can already tell you that sticking to my diet has been a bit difficult. While I haven’t been loading up on junk food, I haven’t really had any food either. When we went to the deli today I got myself corned beef on rye, which is perfectly fine in moderation. Since then, however, I haven’t eaten in about 14 hours. I just popped a Special K bar to put something in my stomach but Baby and I are currently looking for anything that’s open just so we can get some dinner.

We haven’t done any grocery shopping so it’s not like we can find anything in-house that would fulfill our hunger pains at the moment. The only option is looking for something that’s 24 hours, or just open later than 2am. Unfortunately, the only option is the diner and their food is so greasy you gain 10lbs just by touching the food, let alone eating it. The oil on some of their dishes is so thick that it soaks right into your skin and no amount of soap can get it out – it sucks.

I think we may wind up just going to the supermarket and picking up something to cook, that’s really the only option at the moment. :: sigh ::

Not sleepy … this sucks!

Monday, April 30th, 2007

I’m having trouble sleeping, if you haven’t already noticed.

We took Bella for a nice long walk, did our two miles so we feel better now. All garbage was put out on the curb, I fed Bella and now I’m just sitting here listening to the TV in the background while I’m surfing the ‘net. I’m tired but not quite tired enough to actually get any sleep. I just turned the air conditioner off because it was starting to get chilly in here. That was probably a pretty dumb idea though. It’s supposed to get up to about 85?Ǭ? today so I think I’m going to wind up switching it back on before I go to bed. I know that the dogs were kind of cold so that’s why I turned it off. Princess is a little bloated because she over-ate today and Bella has a few…err…bald patches…so she was kind of chilly as well.

Maybe I’ll do some more surfing and then go force myself to sleep. It SHOULD work. Worse case scenario I get some work done that I was going to put off until this afternoon considering it would be too warm to really be outside. If I can get it done now, however, it’ll give me more time to plant some seeds.