Archive for the ‘Memes’ Category

Monday’s a BITCH! Week #3

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

It’s now time for the weekly installment of Monday’s a Bitch, brought to you by those nifty girls over at livejournal.

1. Have you ever been to a Pride Parade? No, but I do live in the middle of homosexual center. And with all of the drag queens walking around as well…every day down here is a pride parade.

2. What’s your favorite Skittles flavor? I didn’t think there was any flavors considering they all kind of taste the same to me. I like red though, does that count?

3. Did you ever watch “Rainbow Brite”? If so, who was your favourite Color Kid? It was so many years ago that I literally have no idea who any of the characters even are anymore.

4. Have you ever seen “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat”? No, but it sounds colorful.

5. What’s at the end of your rainbow? (Assume a pot of gold is already taken because that’s just not creative). Well, considering I’m marrying the leprakhaun, I know for sure that I’ll have some kind of gold in the future…or just a lot of little green-coat-wearing children – lol.

Monday Madness – Week #3

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

It’s time for this week’s installment of Monday Madness.

1. Do you do your own laundry or do you send it out? I do my own laundry, I have been for years.

2. Do you laundry at your home or a laundromat? I’m lucky enough to have had an in-house laundry machine available to me for many years.

3. Are there certain articles of clothing that you need to have dry-cleaned on a regular basis? No, I’m known to many friends as the cotton queen. If it can’t be put in the washing machine than typically I won’t even buy it – no matter how cute it is.

4. How often do you do laundry? Is there a certain day of the week that you consider “laundry day?” Up until recently it was once a week. I would have Monday’s, my father did his on Sunday and my sister kind of just threw it all in the machine whenever she ran out of jeans. Lately, however, I haven’t been doing it quite as often because I’m not changing more than once a day anymore now that I’m perminantly working from home.

5. Do you iron your clothes as you pull them out of the dryer or do you wait until just before you wear the clothing to iron? Again, I’m the cotton queen, but when it comes to shirts that do require being pressed, I like to get to them just as they come out of the dryer.

6. Do you hang your clothes outside to dry or do you dry them in a dryer? The dryer, unfortunately these days there are so many harmful chemicals in the air that having it mixed with sunlight can do some serious damage to your delicates. I would also like to note that I understand old school ways but could you people please stop hanging your huge white granny-panties out on the line? It’s kind of icky. Dryers are only about $200 and if you have the room for a huge washing machine than trust me – you can squeeze in a dryer.

7. Do you own things that need to be hand-washed or do you try to avoid buying things that you can’t wash in the washing machine? Again I’ll note the “Cotton Queen” statement. I have hand-washed clothing before, however. Sometimes one stain isn’t worth doing an entire load for and wasting water. Then hanging it up in the tub to air-dry or directly in the dryer is a very easy thing to do.

So there you have it, I hung out my dirty laundry.

When’s it gonna get here?

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

I’m still waiting for the storm to get here, there’s a warning flashing across the screen for it but based on a weather guide I’m tapped into, I don’t really see much coming this way at all. I just hope it gets here sooner than later. The news stated it was going to get here after midnight, get pretty nasty, and then kind of float off sometime tomorrow morning. Either way I’m bored out of my mind and now I’m just itching to find something to do.

I’m limited in regards to the Thursday based Meme’s that I know of, so I’ll just post whatever I can come across.

3x Thursday:

1. Are you one of those people who is constantly busy with projects, social outings, etc or do you just like to lay low and stay home? Why/why not? I like to keep myself busy. I’ve been lucky enough to have a constant work flow over the course of the last few weeks just so I can keep myself entertained. I don’t mind having some me time where I can just sit back and relax but I have a horrible case of anal retentive behavior where I just need to keep moving so I can feel as though something was at least accomplished during the day. This may be why I tend to clean so much.

2. Whether you’re busy all the time or like to just chill, have you always been that way? How so/how not? Nope, I’ve always been someone who keeps busy 90% of the time.

3. Is there something you’d like to change about how you spend your time? If so, what is it? If not, why not? How are things manageable for you? I’d like to feel more productive throughout the day, I just need to find more things to do in order to keep me busy.

Monday’s a BITCH!

Monday, June 25th, 2007

And now for my favorite…Monday’s a Bitch!

This week’s color: Purple

1. What did you think of the Tinky Winky controversy? Leave the fags alone!

2. What was the last thing you heard through the grape vine? Micheal’s going bankrupt!

3. Who do you want to see laughing in the purple rain? Isn’t Tinky Winky already splashing through the puddles?

4. What is Grimace? Up until I was 10, I assumed he was a chicken nugget that fell into a few thousand purple pens that had exploaded. Now I just consider him that dude who does the commercial with the other dude.

5. If you had a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater,who would you feed to it? Well…if Grimace IS actually a chicken nugget….

Monday Madness – Week #2

Monday, June 25th, 2007

It’s time again for Monday Madness!

1. How many times a month/year do you see the sunrise? I try to get out about twice a month, conflicting schedules have stopped me though. While I do see the sky gradually getting brighter in the morning, I haven’t gotten around to the beach to see it first hand.

2. How many times a week/month do you see the sunset? I typically see it every night, I do spend a lot of time outside.

3. Do you go out at night and “gaze” at the stars? Doesn’t everyone do this?

4. Do you ever look for star clusters, such as the big dipper, etc? I know the placement of all of them by heart. My grandfather has been into astronomy for years, he passed a lot down to me.

5. Do you look for planets at night (with or without a telescope)? Those are easy to find without the telescope, trust me.

6. Are you able to see the northern lights where you live? If so, about how often do they come around? No, I don’t but I’d absolutely LOVE to see them.

7. Do you like going outside during a thunderstorm and watching the lightening? Again, who doesn’t do this?

8. Do you have any really neat weather pictures? PLEASE, feel free to share them! I wish I did. I’ve spent so much time outside with my camera waiting for excellent pictures to kind of fall in my lap. You can only snap so many pictures of birds hiding under cars before it gets too boring…heh.

Sat-IF Day

Saturday, May 5th, 2007

If you could spend 24 hours with a celebrity:

1. Who would s/he be? Rosie O’Donnel
2. Where would you expect him/her to bring you? I wouldn’t expect anything, but she has given away some awesome things in the past as far as vacations and stuff go…get me on that bandwagon!
3. Where would you bring him/her to? Hrm….I don’t know. Probably up to New York for a sake of being homesick and knowing she grew up on Long Island like me.
4. What would you like to do with him/her? Watch her go off on Donald Trump, face-to-face
5. What?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s the one thing you?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d been always wanting to ask the celebrity? Why did you really leave “The View
6. If s/he didn?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t treat you well, would s/he be your favorite celebrity? Yes, of course. I’ve been a fan of her for 10+ years.
7. What would you give to him/her as a gift before saying goodbye so s/he?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d remember you? A penny, they’re good luck you know.

This may seem dumb but some stupid advertiser screwed me out of money, I had to replace the post with SOMETHING.

Tuesday Two

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

These questions are courtesy of the Tuesday Twosome.

When you were a kid…

1. What two things did you do when it rained? The rain never stopped me from going outside. We have a pretty big roof and I always played outside. I think the two things I did was watch the rain and hope for a heavy storm because I LOVE thunder storms.
2. What two things did you do when you had a rain/snow day and didn’t have to go to school? I would sleep in and watch The Golden Girls
3. What two subjects in school were your favorites? English and Photography
4. Who were two of your best friends? Mike and Melissa
5. What/who did you dream you would grow up to be? I honestly didn’t have any dreams, I guess I can’t answer this question.

I’m still waiting VERY patiently for Freepay to fucking approve my account for my camera. It’s to a point now where I’m beyond ticked off at how long things are taking. I understand that the camera MAY be out of stock, but they state ON THE SITE that they make a mass order once a month. It’s been OVER a month so obviously this order has been made, so what the hell is the delay? When they first came out, they were really quick with everything. I got my iPod and my TV within maybe two weeks of ordering it. It’s to a point now of being ridiculous like all holy hell. I know it’s just a free item and I should be patient, but this company is no longer living up to their name AT ALL. It’s beyond being a headache.

They changed the way they do things. Originally there was no set time limit as to how long you had until you reached X amount of valid referrals. Then cash out time took no more than 10 business days (in total) Now, they mark it down to 90 days to find X amount of referrals. They then take over a month to process my form. Then I could finally submit my order, and it’s been processing for almost two months. The way this company is running things now is such a bad business ethic all together. I’m so happy that this is my last dealing with them. I have no intent on signing up for any of their bull shit ever again.

Offer Centric is where my focus is, as far as offers go. I do not understand why they no longer have Blockbuster/AOL referrals anymore. I got a few emails from people asking about these. The only thing I can recommend is that you ask to be upgraded to the ‘high end’ status. You’ll then have more options for the offers and then just request the downgrade later on so you only need to find 18 people instead of the 24. I don’t know, that’s just the only thing I see working right now.

I’ve been watching “Dog the Bounty Hunter” all night. I started watching at 9, thinking it was going to be the wedding episode. Now I’m sitting here at 10:30 and it’s sill going on. I don’t understand why they’re wasting so much damn time…just have the freaking wedding already for crying out loud.

Yea, bad day…I’m going to go have a cig, take a shot or two and chill out for the night. I know I have a lot of work to do but my concentration level is SHOT right now.

Mobile Meme: Bathroom

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006

So I’m sitting here in the bathroom wondering why I set this weeks Mobile Meme in here. I could have come up with more creative places but I thought this one would be humorous. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m right.

I hate this room because it used to be my sanctuary but now it’s nothing more than a huge hole in the wall with a toilet. The sink needs to be replaced, there are no walls in the shower, and I’m afraid to have anyone even use the place because I’m sure they’d be thinking “Ewe!” in reference to the rusty sink and half bath. I can’t wait until that big account comes through so I can finally do something in here.

I’d love to put up new walls, a new floor and definitely a new vanity. I want to get that “Tub Surround” stuff from Bath Fitter so that I don’t have to worry about scrubbing grout lines a few months down the road. There’s no storage in here so a nice cabinet with a vanity would look great and I can’t wait until I can put in a new floor. There’s peal-n-stick linoleum at Home Depot that would look wonderful in here. I’ve just been itching to do this for 4 years.

You see…I’ve been using my fathers shower because it’s the only one with walls at the moment. It’s cramped in there though. It’s just a small closet, in a small bathroom and my sister has so many hair products it’s unreal. I don’t understand how anyone could need that much stuff. I have shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a razor and loofa. It all fits perfectly on one small shelf so there’s hardly any room being taken up at all. That’s the same way this bathroom would look, especially considering there would be storage in here after I redo the place because then none of her makeup or any of that other useless stuff would be thrown around.

The sink is filled with hair care products and make-up. It’s hard to even wash your hands anymore because the faucet is so old that it’s hard to turn the handles. The over-flow hole in the sink has rusted through so when the water in the sink is turned on – you need to control the water flow to something on the low side so that you don’t get any water under the sink (through the hole).

We moved in here just as they created the apartments up here, so 17 years of using the sinks and showers would obviously have their toll taken on them over time. Some people, when they take good care of the bathroom, it can uphold itself for quite a few years. Unfortunately by the time my sister and I were in that mind set, the damage was already done.

The shower rusted out because of how careless the contractor was when he framed out the bathroom window. The window itself is inside of the shower and instead of tilting the ledge so that the water beads off, it was left flat so that the water is collected in it. After 15 years of this, the wall became rotted. With rot, comes mold…with mold comes drywall being destroyed and having to be taken out so that there wasn’t any toxic mold (black mold) being spewed into the air that 3 people breath in on a regular basis.

The pictures will basically show you everything I’ve had to deal with over the years. Having a contractor in here recently, the damage done plus any remodeling would run us in the ballpark of $3,000. This is why I’ve been saving any and all money that I can towards this project. I have about a thousand saved, but that’s only 1/3 of the bill. You can imagine how annoying it gets sharing a small bathroom with three people. Especially considering my fathers bathroom is in worse shape, we have tarps on the walls just so we can use the shower. It’s horrible, I can’t wait until things are fixed.

Hopefully the next time I have any pictures of my bathroom, it will be the finished product of my brand new bathroom. ::wishes::

Image Heavy! (more…)

Unconcious Mutterings

Sunday, June 18th, 2006

Unconcious Mutterings

  1. Voice :: Recognition
  2. Us :: Weekly
  3. Passionately :: Limp
  4. Humbly :: Greedy
  5. Love songs :: Suck my ass
  6. Dim :: Bad Reading Environment
  7. Calendar :: Girls
  8. Careless :: Mothers and their cameras
  9. Block :: Party
  10. Goal :: [[does funky dance]]

Sat-IF Day

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

Sat-IF Day (hasn’t been updated since February but it’s a Saturday meme just the same. If you can’t pick up on sarcasm then obviously you shouldn’t be reading this.

If you could spend 24 hours with a celebrity:

  1. Who would s/he be? Hitler
  2. Where would you expect him/her to bring you? Back to his house for a little love making.
  3. Where would you bring him/her to? The shower – scrub a dubb dubb
  4. What would you like to do with him/her? Have you not picked up on this already? Jesus
  5. What?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s the one thing you?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d been always wanting to ask the celebrity? How’d he do it?
  6. If s/he didn?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t treat you well, would s/he be your favorite celebrity? He didn’t treat anyone well – dipshit!
  7. What would you give to him/her as a gift before saying goodbye so s/he?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d remember you? A hickey :w00t:


Saturday, June 17th, 2006

I found this while surfing through blogexplosion. I figured since I haven’t updated in a while it was time to post something.

1. What do you think might be the next great discovery we will witness?
My aunt’s real hair color.

2. What do you feel are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths – Flexability // Weaknesses – Gag reflex

3. Why do you think your last relationship failed?
It’s only over because he’s dead 🙁

4. If you could change careers, what would you do instead?
Yea, I’ve always wanted to see what FICA does with my tax dollars.

5. What was the first work of art you saw in person that really impacted you?
This girl in pre-school drew this amazing circle with a square in it…changed my life.

6. When you were a child, where did you find solace? And now, as an adult, where do you seek it?
I used to hide under the bed with the little green monsters. I’d go under there now, but the bed is just too low to the ground to get under there.

7. To what degree do you think fear or insecurity impacts our abilities or success?
:: yawns :: huh?

8. Oh, no. There?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s a fire. What do you take with you? (Other than photos, animals, or people.)
The little blue box under my bed. Just because there’s a fire doesn’t mean someone can’t steal your identity!

9. [Fill in the blank] makes my head explode.
Stupid survey’s like this

10. Most people wouldn?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t guess that I [fill in the blank].
Have a crush on you.

Busy Bee

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

I’ve been waiting very patiently for Freepay to process my approval form for the Digital Camera, my status (as of Friday) has been updated to “We’re currently processing your form” but considering it’s been a few days that something would change. It’s my hope that I’ll know what’s going on by Friday, so that’s all that matters.

I’m still 8 people away from my $1800 offer. I’m hoping those referrals start to pick up again soon. I’m sure I could just cash out at the $1050 but I’d prefer to hold out for the $1800 so I can put that towards some much needed bathroom repairs. I’m to a point now of being beyond annoyed with having to use dad’s bathroom to take a shower and I would LOVE to have my bath tub back. So if you’re at all interested in helping someone regain their private bathroom, then please sign up and complete an offer. The AOL one is free, clears in 3 days and you can cancel on day 4, no money charged and you get to poke around AOL for a month. You don’t even have to download the program, just create a screen name (that you get to keep as an AIM name anyway).

I’m slowly getting around to writing up my Mobile Meme for this week, I just haven’t had the chance to sit outside yet. It’s been kind of hazy today so I’m waiting for the sun to come back out before I sit myself down under a tree. I have to add the link for it to my navigation I just haven’t felt like booting up my FTP program yet. I’ll get to it later though, I’m sure I’ll be bored enough to do some kind of site work later on anyway. So far there are two entries for Mobile Meme, that’s certainly something to be happy about. I’d like to see some more posters though, so if you’re at all interested please head over to and check it out…k?

It’s 6.6.06 today and there are a lot of news stations up in arms about it. It’s a damn superstition for crying out loud. I don’t believe in superstitions, I’ve stepped on, laid down on and jump roped onto every crack I could find and my mothers back isn’t broken. The Omen opened in theaters today, that’s certainly a movie I’m uninterested in seeing. It looks stupid as hell. I was totally amused by the little kid in the clip they showed on TV though. The mother is just hanging there saying “Help me, help me” and the little twerp just looks up and waves “bye bye”. I laughed my ass off. Thriller/Horror movies have always had that effect on me.

I’m going to plug Euphoric because things are slowing down there because of the regular posters having finals and what not. So if you’re interested in joining a semi-new board with plenty of interesting topics, please sign up for Euphoric and meet some new interesting people while you’re at it.

In any event, I have a pile of paperwork sitting next to me that’s about a mile high so I’m going to get back to work. I’m sure I’ll have my Mobile Meme posted by Wednesday so check back for that.

The Mobile Meme

Monday, June 5th, 2006

I’ve gone ahead and setup The Mobile Meme. It will be a weekly meme that goes Monday 00:00 -> Sunday 23:59, and I’m going to be submitting it to the Memes List when I get the chance later on. If you have a digital camera, a laptop, a cellphone or a pen and paper then you can participate. You do not need to have a laptop in order to be part of this meme, you can just have a notepad to jot down your blog in and type up later. Any and everyone can participate in this.

Head on over and participate today!

Monday Memes

Monday Madness
1. I have broken 0 bones in my lifetime.
2. I have had to get 0 stitches.
3. The worst I’ve ever injured myself was when I fell down the stairs and sprained both ankles.
4. I’ve had to go to the Emergency room 2 times.
5. On a scale of 1 (being the highest) to 10 (being the lowest), my pain tolerance is a 10.

Sunday Memes

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Fraud :: Bush
  2. Cure :: Cancer
  3. Slate :: Clean
  4. Pretentious :: Bastard
  5. Splendid :: Reception
  6. Geek :: Squad
  7. Blister :: Rotted wood
  8. Pizza :: Sean
  9. Revive :: Fail
  10. Visionary :: Scary

The Mobile Meme

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

I’ve wanted to come up with something fairly different for quite some time now and I’ve decided to start a new meme. For those who don’t know what meme is, it’s an idea that is shared and passed from blog to blog, like a question posted in one blog and answered in many other blogs. Mine is based on mobility. I figure maybe once every two weeks or so I’ll pick a random place for users and their laptops to go to where they’ll be very descriptive about their surroundings. It’d be a surprise to see how many descriptive words can be used about the same place just by different people.

If you’re at all interested, just comment…let me know. I’d love to see how much of a take-off this would get.

You don’t have to have a laptop but it’s preferred. You can also use a pen and paper until you can get back to your desktop to write it up. I’ll send you to places that won’t cost you any money – maybe not even cost you any gas either. Places like a corner in the living room, your bathroom, a different spot in your bedroom that you never thought to sit down and relax in. A coffee shop, a parking lot, any random place that I’ll pull out of my butt. Note that the places I will most likely send you to are known to have a wireless connection. If not, that’s where your trusty notepad, wordpad, or pen and paper come into play.

So…what do you think? Would you do it?