Archive for the ‘School’ Category

Slow & STUDY?

Monday, March 6th, 2006

I’m one module away from completing school and I can’t wait. I’m not overly happy with my Science grades, but I’ll get over it. The first two tests I got an 80%, which I guess isn’t too bad considering the fact that Science has never been my strong point. The third test, however, didn’t work out so well. My sister was itching to do something, so I let her do the last test. If she showed that much initiative to do homework in high school I think she would have graduated…but anyway.

She managed to get herself a 50%, something I wasn’t happy about. Now, you have the opportunity to take the test twice. The highest you can get on the second try is a 70%. So I told her to do it again, and do it right; If she could have only used her brain the same way the first time, because she got a 95% on the exam the second time. It only counts as 70% in the end though. That’s better than a 50% damn it. The next one to come in is English and that won’t be here until sometime around 3/13. That’s not bad though, considering I have a lot of work to do this week.

I’m very, very happy to report that I’m officially DONE with the Stein account. After a very rocky weekend, I get paid Monday. That money will instantly be moved to my savings account and remain untouched until April. It’s my goal to have an extra $2500 in savings by 4/01; which is complete possible considering all the business I’ve been doing lately. That’s going to go towards my laptop and other accessories.

The build of the laptop is going to run me about $1700 (w/tax&shipping). The mouse and router will be another $120. I’m also going to get myself one of those As Seen On TV: Tables for those cozy nights in the living room, so that’s another $40 (w/tax&shipping). The rest is going to remain in savings until the beginning of May. That’s when Dad and I are going to borrow a truck and head over to Wal-Mart, Maces and Home Depot. I’m going to be doing some remodeling on the patio this spring so that I can enjoy my work environment. Right now, as you could tell from previous pictures taken outside, it’s very bare and in need of some serious work.

I’m going to get a new table and chairs, a bench, dad’s buying a new BBQ, and we’re going to get lots of plants and flowers to put some color up there as well. I’m also going to make it a point to let both neighbors know that their kids and them aren’t allowed anywhere near ANYTHING. I don’t want cigarette burns in my table, if I see a pot fall over it better be from the wind and not the little bastard in the end apartment who can’t keep his hands off anything; He’s broken TWO doors and walked away like he did nothing wrong EACH TIME! AND if I see one of those kids fucking carving the table I’ll kill them myself. The children up here are 8, 10 and 15. If they don’t know by now that they shouldn’t put their hands on something that doesn’t belong to them, then obviously their parents aren’t beating them frequently enough.

With the nice setup of everything I can easily invite Heather, Christie and John over for a nifty summer night BBQ. It’s my full intent to actually have one this year, being as I’m finally in the place where I can actually do it. Maybe I’ll even invite Sean if he’s on the island visiting his aunt :heh:

In any event, it’s almost 3am and I’m starting to yawn uncontrollably. Considering I have to wake up early I guess it’s time I get some sleep.

G’Night all.

Studda much?

Thursday, February 16th, 2006

The weather is just too annoying for words. We get a blizzard on Sunday and then by Tuesday its halfway melted because it was a 50° day. Sure, it cuts down on shovel time but damn, this summer is going to be HORRIBLE, I can tell already.

The month of March is fast approaching. I’ve been slowly getting the theme together. I went with shamrocks because I’m Irish and I have to show off that pride. I’ve been bothering Heather for the past couple of weeks with the dynamic navigation cause it?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s been screwing with me. I wrote it so that when its on the focus page the nav voids that particular link. It’s working pretty well on most of the pages but I’m having issues with the exit pages. I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually. There?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s no sidebar on this theme though, it’s very, very simple looking.

I’ll be getting another tattoo once all of the tax shit is taken care of. I figured I’d treat myself and drop $60 on something that was important to me. I found one on that was close to what I wanted. I played around with it and came up with this one but I just don’t like its overall appearance. (Yes, I mask them over my own skin so I can get a general idea of how they’re going to look.) As you can tell, this one doesn’t look so great so I’ve asked Jay to design one for me. He designed his own and it looks AMAZING so I asked him to do it for me. I’m sure he’ll come up with something excellent considering he’s such an awesome artist.

My math module is completed. Considering I was always suckered into doing my sisters English homework (being as it seems to be her second language) I had her do the math. She did ok on the first test she took for me and got a 95. But then she managed to get a 75 then another 95. My average is still 92 but damn a 75 SUCKS, sucks the fatty. The next one I’m going to have to do is Science (again) but I don’t really mind because its an easier module then the previous one. It’s more about energy and sound this time. The previous one was Biology and Chemistry – two subjects I absolutely hate.

So I’ve got my priorities straight and have been working my ass off for the last couple of weeks getting things together. I’m almost done with the Stein account, I picked up a huge wordpress template creation from the freelancer site, and I’m slowly getting referrals together for the notebook offer.

They’ve changed their site around and they have new requirements for better prizes. Sure, I could wait on 7 people and get the $1050, but why not shoot for the $1800? So, instead of 7 referrals, I need 13. Sign up and complete an offer, I’ll give you $10 or a free domain/hosting for one year. Go with the AOL offer, because you’re credited in three days and since AOL’s first month is always free you can cancel after like, five minutes of being a completed referral. Call ’em, say you don’t want AOL and your account with AOL is cancelled. No charges are made to your card, its like you didn’t even use it at all; nifty right?

I know how the break down of the money is going to work for the upcoming weeks. Any money I make from the stein account goes to my dad so I can finish paying off school. I’m keeping about $200 for myself so I can get my tattoo and do some shopping. I went through my closet and have like 800 pants and 6 shirts. I think it’s time to do some shirt shopping, don’t you? Then the $1800 from the notebook offer will also help out. I refuse to get a laptop through them because I can build one with the same stats as their ‘top available model’ for like $400 less then they think it is.

  • Shirts
  • Tattoo
  • Laptop
  • Pay for school
  • Enroll in a new course, probably medical transcription or something of the like.
  • Put the rest into savings, 7% interest can’t go wrong with that.

So yea, that’s my break down of money. If I could get all offers completed (minus the deductions of having to pay the $10 out), I can reach a total of $4700. That’s more then enough for me to do everything I need to do with work and school and then still have some money saved up to put towards a car, because it’s about damn time I went a head and did something like that. I figure in total I’d lose about $500 from paying off referrals but that’s really not so bad considering the amount of money I’d be getting anyway.

In any event, I’m tired and my boss just signed off so that means work is over for the day; time to go lay down.

Teh Updates

Monday, February 13th, 2006

So the Blizzard of 2006 (well…so far at least) came and went. I personally saw it as Armageddon, and I’ll explain why. Firstly, we got about two feet of snow (I’ve got pictures to prove it). The storm that came over was so powerful there was an eye lingering over my town and the towns to either side of me. There was plenty of thunder and lightning which I found to be very weird considering it was a snow storm, not rain. I always thought that the only way that lightning/thunder could happen would ever happen is when warm meets cold, so I was confused but then Dad cleared it up for me.

See, Glen Cove is right on the Long Island Sound, as are quite a few other towns (obviously) but we’re where the focus was. Being as January was so unseasonably warm, the temperature of the sound was higher then normal, so there’s our heat meets cold which resulted in huge bolts of lightening and thunder rumbling so loud it was though a big rig was driving through the building.

I guess I really can say my luck has changed this week, oddly enough. First the blizzard, which was more powerful then expected. Then the 100% on the first exam, and taking the second one today I also got 100%. Dad won $20 on a scratch off. I landed the WordPress job so that’s $200 for me, PLUS billing fucked up and I doubt I’m getting my 1099 tax form, so I can use that money to not only purchase my laptop but I’ll also be able to purchase a new monitor, paint for my room, as well as a new rug.

So yea, I’m content this weekend.

Now it?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s time for the snow?¢‚Ǩ¬¶

I woke up this morning and saw this outside of my window. I know it doesn’t look like much here, but at this time there was 15″ of snow on the ground. There ARE bushes under there, but only about half of them are showing.

This is the corner of the deck, closest to the end apartment. The wind was so intense that they said although we were getting 15+ inches of snow, snow drifts we’re going to be up to five feet high. The only thing that stopped that from happening here was the fact that the wall is only four feet high.

This is Bella’s normal view of the street, if you look towards the middle you can see where the snow blower was and what kind of a ledge was left behind. It took me a while to dig her gate out of the snow this morning. She was stuck waiting inside for me so she didn’t run down the stairs. The gate is about 3 feet high, so there’s visual proof #3 on the snow accumulation.

I would have more but I was on a low battery to begin with. I figure that these three images would be more then enough to give you an idea of what went on here last night.

I lost Bella in a few snow banks. She managed to resurface herself after a few moments but I came very close to diving into a snow bank after her. Then I realized how much that would suck and just called her until she decided to pop her head out and find something else to do. I just gave her a bath about an hour ago because we were outside for a good half hour and after playing in the snow she was no longer a dog, but a big block of crisp ice, even through her clothes. Yes, she was wearing a sweater that covered her legs up and her chest so she wasn’t so cold. That doesn’t mean it worked considering the snow soaked right through the clothes and there went that bright idea.

In any event, I’m going to work on test #3 and hopefully have this whole module done by Wednesday. I figure the faster I can get through it, the faster I can head up to the hospital and get a job with medical insurance considering how bad my eyes have gotten lately. A full time job should clear that all up so hopefully I actually get something there.

Later all

Luck be a lady.

Sunday, February 12th, 2006

The snow started falling at 4:44 pm (yes, I just happened to be outside on the phone when the first few flurries touched down.) By 9pm, there was roughly two inches on the ground and by midnight there were about 4 inches. Now there’s full on blizzard conditions here in Glen Cove. We’re expected to get a total of 15 inches before the storm subsides tomorrow evening. It’s actually kind of funny, two weeks ago I was talking to my aunt and I said “Is it wrong to wish for a blizzard?” then wham – we get hit with one. I’m amused by it.

I’d like to think I had something to do with it, but so would a certain elementary school here on the Island. The students in this one class were so upset about the fact that they weren’t getting any snow days (due to the nasty spring like weather we had for the month of January) that instead of doing a ‘rain dance’ they did a ‘snow dance’ sort of thing. It was more singing then anything, but it was on the news and I found it to be rather cute; which is strange considering I don’t like children.

On an even brighter note (yes, this day keeps getting better and better). I got my Math module today and sat down right away to do it. On test number one (even though I guessed on five of the answers) I got 100%.

My luck is through the roof! :nocks wood:

I hope I can win the lottery now.

Welp?¢‚Ǩ¬¶there go my chances.

Random shit.

Wednesday, February 8th, 2006

I got home on Sunday afternoon; I’ve just had no interest to blog. I still don’t, I’m just letting you know I’m alive.

I completed my American Government module while I was at my aunts. I’m waiting on the Mathematics module to show up, that won’t be here for another week though.

I wrote a hateful letter to my boss because if I didn’t get my 1099 tax form ASAP he was going to be hearing from not only my father, but my lawyer. Some people don’t understand that all tax forms are to be sent out before January 31st, being as it was February 6th, he deserved a mean email, don’t you think?

I’m working on converting the bulk of my listings over to new programs. I’ve closed about 20 fan listings so far, and I’m in the process of moving the remaining ones over to a new fan listing script. I’ll be doing the same for all of my hate listings, cliques and web rings over the course of the next couple of weeks. I’ve badly neglected, to the point that I went through hostee’s (fan listings/hate listings mainly) that haven’t updated their site since 2004 – yea, time to go bye-bye.

I said goodbye to a few people this week, and for a change it was my choice. They probably think I’ll talk to ’em when I’ve “cooled down” but for a change that?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s not going to happen. So long suckers, it’s been nice knowing you.

I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢m going away with Tom next weekend, we don?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t quite know where yet but we both know we need to get the hell out and spend some quality time together. 😉 Besides, its more or less a Valentines day thing anyway so why not enjoy it? Two days away from the butt holes that I live with? SCORE!

In any event, I’m going to watch some TV for the first time in like three days then I’m going to bed because I’m beat.


Have a happy weekend…

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

I’m about to shut down for the night but I just wanted to leave a note here in case anything goes on for the two days I’m gone.

I setup/redid a few things yesterday. Euphoric Plugs is a new plug site connected to EuphoricMB. I also went a head and redid Surf It! as well. There was a lot of spam and the look needed some up dating. I know it looks a lot smaller then it previously was, but believe me when I say that’s intentional.

I’ll be at my aunt’s house; those of you who need to be in constant contact with me already have my cell phone number. Please don’t abuse it as a few of you did last time that was very un-cool. I don’t have any intent on using her computer to check my email so anything from clients will be put on hold until Monday morning. I’ll be home a little after midnight on Sunday and would rather just go to sleep so I can be up for my usual 8-8 work week.

I got a 95 on my first American Government exam; I’ll be working on the next two while I’m at my aunts. It certainly beats watching TV all weekend. Even though she has 300+ channels there’s still nothing to watch, go figure.

In any event, I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and try not to get too drunk on Sunday if you’re watching the super bowl. I think your time could be better spent reading a book, but that’s just because I’m not a football fan LOL.


New stuff a brewin’

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

EuphoricMB After spending some time working on it, EuphoricMB is open for business. I opened it on the 23rd, but decided to wait a few days before announcing it. But yea, its open – go post will you? I’m currently holding a contest for all members, the most active referrals by March 31st gets you a free domain and hosting, so go post your hearts out and refer everyone you know.

So I’ve worked all my taxes out for AGn Solutions. I’m going to owe a little over $1,300 to the government. This is fine considering I assumed that much anyway. I’m still waiting on my W2 from Source-1 and I know I’ll owe maybe $600 – so yea no laptop for a few months.

I’m going to go full speed a head with redoing my room though. It’s time to do something completely for me around this house and damn it I’m going to abuse that. The new monitor, digital camera, rug, bedding, paint color on the walls and furniture will just make me a happy, happy person. Anyone want to come help me paint? I’ll cook for you.

I’m currently in the process of getting February’s theme completed. I have a ‘photo shoot’ (so to speak) with Bella tomorrow to get some great pictures of her to use on it. The theme and content are all completed but the images I used of her are a little out dated and she looks a bit scruffy. By looking at her pictures you’d think that she’s never been brushed before, but I do seriously brush her on a daily basis; she just rolls around a lot. BUT – I’ll have the new layout up on the first, so that’ll be when I next update my blog.

On Saturday the 4th I’ll be at my aunt’s house. She’s going to the city overnight for some big super bowl party and won’t be home until late Sunday evening, so I get to house sit. I really don’t mind it considering I’ll be occupied anyway. I should be getting my American Government module this week so I’ll have something to work on. With the way the weather’s been lately I’ll be able to hang out on the back porch and relax for a while too. According to the report it’s going to be about 50° so it makes perfect sense to hang out back there, doesn’t it?

Miranda has been keeping me company tonight. The boy went to bed early, Heather & Christie weren’t online and I needed someone to bother, so she won. YAY Miranda! Go give her a smooch.

On another note, Happy Birthday Ranee!! Go give her loads of comments and b-day wishes.

Bella’s being extra annoying to get me to go lay down with her so I’m going to shut down for the night. See you Wednesday!