Archive for the ‘Stressed’ Category


Monday, August 27th, 2007

It’s a little after 4:30 and I’m starting to wonder why I’m still awake. I’ve made the attempt at laying down and crashing for the night but there’s so much going on in my head that coming back to the office to figure it all out was just the only route to take. I wrote up my to-do list for the week, I’ve cleaned off my desk in anticipation for my new monitor, I even wound up heading into the kitchen and putting some dishes away just because they were in the sink and bothering the crap out of me.

On the top of my to-do list is accomplishing a September template, I may wind up just changing the color scheme of this one though. I actually like it too much to archive it so I’ll break my own ‘rules’ and leave it up for a while. When someone says “September” what colors pop out at you? And Di if you say “school bus yellow” I’ll head up to NY and smack you with a trout. I was thinking reds/oranges but that’s more of an October thing. I have no idea what the birthstone color is for September either, however I’m sure that can easily be found out through a quick Google search. I’m just too lazy to do it. Sapphire, that works out for me considering I was thinking blue anyway.

The meds are just kicking my ass, that’s really the only thing I can say that would explain the funk. Dreams are really messed up, my stomach is always bothering me because of whatever reaction the antibiotics are having on it, and to top that off I just don’t have the drive to do much of anything, even a well-written to-do list can’t keep me focused, usually that was the case.

I know I’m lacking creativity, on top of that I’m sure I just need a vacation because I haven’t really gone anywhere in quite some time. Sean and I have been unable to get down to the beach thanks to all of the Benny’s, and usually it’s the Ocean that sparks some kind of energy in me, and I’m not sure why either. I guess I’ll just have to wait until after Labor Day for things to get back to normal. It’s not like we could walk around on the beach anyway, his knee has been bothering him and my back isn’t doing to great at the moment either. I tried some more of that Freeze-It stuff, but it only works for like 10 minutes on me. I’ve also been in pain for years and even hefty muscle relaxers never did the trick…all I did was wind up sleeping too much.

It just sucks…I don’t know.

:: bangs head on desk ::

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

I’m done with the August theme. I’m thinking about launching early considering I can’t stand this blue thing. But I have all of that stuff on auto-move so I’ll just wait and go from there so I don’t mess anything up. Jenny saw it last night, thought it was cute – that’s good enough for me. I made her an icon to match my template and now she’s all smiles.


Disorganized as all hell

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

I’ve been saying it to myself for days but I really need to do some serious cleaning. My desk is turning into a dumping ground for random crap that I don’t need and the sooner I get rid of everything, the better. I have magazines kind of thrown around and papers that could probably be thrown out that I’m too lazy to look at. My iPod is dead but I’ve yet to throw it on the charger and wires are all over the place with my keyboard and mouse plus the head phones. My white board covered in my to-do list actually is just listing completed projects at this point and the board could basically be wiped clean, it’s kind of annoying. Soda cans and pens kind of fill in the holes everywhere else.

To my left is the dumping ground for both Sean and I. There’s a table separating our desks (makes it look like back-to-back L shaped desks) that’s covered in crap that doesn’t even need to be in here. His desk doesn’t look any better at the moment either. I think the two of us need to stop working (money’s great right now) and then spend an hour cleaning out the room. The coffee table that’s being used as a TV tray is caked in dust and that can’t be good for his XBox360. I know for a fact that my computer needs to be dusted out as well but the can of air we’ve got is close to dead and I don’t want to shoot any kind of liquid into my case, condensation on a can or air is HORRIBLE when the thing is about to die.

There’s crap in the fridge that can definitely be thrown out and even with all the shelving we have in here everything is unorganized. There’s got to be something we can do to solve this problem. This middle table is going to have to be changed out at some point because when I purchase the iMac it’s going in between us. That’s later down the road but you’d think knowing that we have some kind of time frame going on we’d be able to organize better. You know?

Things are finally starting to move!

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

I’m not sure if anyone else heard about this yesterday but some drunken loony out in Cali decided to destroy a couple servers at a major data center that houses big-name sites/companies like Technorati, Six Apart, Netflix and CraigsList. This was before the huge power outage that they suffered as well so the last I heard there were a mob of people standing outside the building being very pissed off about the ‘breach of contract’ going on with the down time, guess they didn’t notice there wasn’t any power either – hm? I found the actual story itself on slashdot, a direct link to the article can be found here. I’m sure you’ll find some aspects of it both amusing and quite annoying – I know I did.

There were notifications up on a few of the sites that were experiencing downtime. I believe that Alexa (while it may not have been in this particular building) is also based out of SF and I know for a fact that they experienced some down time as well. This is why my site has been lagging for the last few days. And to think, I thought it was blogrolling being mean to me again (hrm…maybe they’re hosted on a server there too?).

My August theme is about 80% completed, I absolutely hate this blue monstrosity that I’ve got sitting up here and I made it a point to sit down and work on it this evening. It’s about 9am and I’m still awake. The template didn’t keep me up though, my eyes are crossing too much to even continue to move forward with it, it’s the fact that dinner was started at 5am (sauce needs to brew all day) and now I just have to give some things a quick stir before my head can hit the pillow.

I have a lot of work to do today, quite a few emails to get back to, and I need to make a phonecall to a dealership up in Jersey because we misplaced the ID number for our Sirius Satellite radio and now since I’m going to reactivate it for both car AND home use – obviously I’m going to need that number.

Long day, not enough hours – I’ll tell ya!

New toys, very sick, rabid animals and more!

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

I’m fully aware of all of the email building up in my inbox but as of right now I just can’t get to it. I’m running a high fever, I can barely breath from being so congested, I’m cramping quite a bit due to an extremely heavy period – I’m just NOT having a good couple of days. If you’re a current client or even a potential one, please just be patient with me. There’s only so much I can do when it takes me a half hour to stand up without collapsing from the fact that I’m extremely dizzy at the moment. I’ll be in touch with everyone as soon as possible, I promise. Tony is handling hosting orders at the moment, I’ll get to the design aspect of things when I can.

Sean bought me a graphics card for our anniversary, we’re also going out to dinner next weekend as well. The card showed up today, he installed it after he got some of his own work done and I personally hadn’t been at the computer in the last 12 hours to see how things look. The clarity on the card is amazing and I’m back up to having my gig of installed ram being used on everything else, not being shared with a graphics card. He got me a 512 card, and it has the option for dual monitors as well – something I’ll more than likely have in the near future anyway. Everything does look great though, I really like it so far.

There is an animal running loose in the complex that’s more than likely rabid. Sean spoke to someone last night who said that some large grey cat attacked their pit bull. I saw this animal last night – foam dripping off his mouth. We called the police who wound up transferring us to a different county, explained the situation and an HOUR later animal control zipped through here quick and left. I saw it again tonight, we wrote a letter to the main office and hopefully home owners in the complex will be notified as soon as possible considering almost every other house has a dog in this place, it would be horrible if another one were attacked.

Go figure, I thought skunks were a big deal around here!

I give up…

Sunday, July 1st, 2007

Nothing happened between my last post and now to give me any kind of inspiration for a July theme, as far as I’m concerned (at this point in time) there won’t be a change. Maybe something will trigger me in upcoming days, I know there’s a holiday around the corner, but I’m heavily doubting it at this point.

I have emails up the wazoo with bitchy people asking stupid questions. I’m not sure how but WordPress was bombed with spam that took me about a half hour of going through PHPmyADMIN just to delete and I’m craving coffee right now to keep me awake even though it’s after 3am and I should just go curl up with Sean and crash for the night, he’s been knocked out since 11:30 this evening!

I was going to barbecue tonight because I had a craving for smoked sausage and rice with basil but since I’m the only one in the house who eats rice, I was going to make baked potatoes for everyone else. The potatoes we have are not only too small to make a REAL baked potato,¬† but they’d also been on the counter for almost two weeks and were starting to root themselves to the bag. Needless to say, I needed to go to the store to pick up some more potatoes. After I’d told Sean about this he offered to just go pick up something for dinner and we wound up at Bona Pizza, he loves them – I hate them. So instead of eating nasty pizza, I had a calzone. Now, in NY calzones don’t come in two freaking sizes so I should have known right then and there that this was going to be interesting. I figured okay, the large so I’ll have something to eat tomorrow night. Little did I know they make their calzones almost the same way one would make a stromboli. Fold a pizza in half and throw some extra cheese in. So now I’m sitting there with my LARGE pie folded in half that’s overstuffed with cheese and sausage. This is not a calzone. Calzones have mozzarella cheese, ricotta cheese, ham, salami, pepperoni and sausage – unless you ask for straight cheese naturally. So I was a bit disappointed with dinner considering it had little chunks of sausage and about 10lbs of HORRIBLE cheese thrown in. It didn’t SUCK but even eating about a 1/4 of the thing – I can tell my stomach is going to be screaming at me for the rest of the week while I finish the fucker off. Any true Italian will know, food does NOT go to waste.

I have a taste for things, I grew up in New York so someone telling me that Grotto’s is the absolute best place in the world – I’ll naturally like to beat them senseless with a large trout. A good place in town is Louis, their pizza tastes the most like New York pizza minus the fact that yes, the crust is kind of thin. Sean likes more of a sweet sauce – he grew up in Jersey I wouldn’t expect any less – but he considers himself to be the master of Pizza…when you’re going to marry a New Yorker, your state of mind WILL change. He likes Bona because he basis the good stuff on the crust and theirs, yes, is thicker. It also tastes like straight flower – and not even semolina – what you’re SUPPOSED to cook with. The only place that I can say I enjoy the most, in this entire freaking state, is up in Georgetown they have a place called Bella Capri and when they say Calzone – you get a freaking calzone. Filled with the right stuff, the right AMOUNT of stuff and while their sauce is very bland (straight out of the can kind of bland) they include seasoning on the table so I can adjust it.

Either way, back to my original point; my mind sucks for not having any inspirational thoughts, my computer sucks for not finding me anything good, Google should die, no one in Delaware knows anything about good Italian food, tourists need to be shot considering Karen’s boy-toy was almost run over tonight, Bella and I almost got skunked on her walk tonight, spammers need to get off my back, and I’m freaking exhausted.


I’m lacking inspiration…

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

I’m going through a pretty nasty case of designers-block. I was rather delayed in creating the July theme due to pure laziness and last night I started on it, only to wind up basically creating the same June template but in blue. To avoid this I’ve been surfing around Template Monster for at least some ideas to kick around in my head and after literally going through EVERY template in the entire database, I’ve still come up with nothing. I don’t like the idea of using a pre-made template, so I’m going to make it a point to try and avoid that. Even Photoshop is unappealing to me today, I need something to kick my creativity levels into high gear. Maybe instead of template monster I’ll just surf around Google and personal sites to see what I can come up with. I know I want a simple color scheme, but you can only do so many default WordPress looking templates before you go nuts with total boredom! However, now I’m just not in the mood to do much of anything and every paid-to-blog database that I’m involved with doesn’t have any available offers. So, I think I’ll just play Hexic or Sonic for a little while.

What is Gotu Kola?

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

I’ve been keeping myself some what busy for the last few hours. I’m still not feeling that great but there’s not much that I can really do about that. Sure, I could just go back to sleep but at this point I’m averaging about 12 hours a night which makes no sense to me, really. I want to assume that it’s my body officially crashing due to all of the late-night-no-sleepers that I’ve been doing over the years, I just don’t know how to get myself to stop it.

Sean recently found something called like “Gotu Kola” that’s supposed to be a natural herbal supplement. He’s insisting that I take one because he supposedly feels better because of the product. Doing some research into it it’s been used for wound healing, better circulation, memory enhancement, cancer, vitality, general tonic, respiratory ailments, detoxifying the body, treatment of skin disorders (such as psoriasis and eczema), revitalizing connective tissue, burn and scar treatment, clearing skin infections, strengthening veins, blood purifier, high blood pressure, sedative, anti-stress, anti-anxiety, an aphrodisiac, immune booster, anabolic and adaptogen.

Basically it’s just an all-in-one herb that’ll make you feel better, I thought they called that Marijuana? None of the claims have been evaluated by the FDA but the research done by various institutes and universities conclude that more research on the herb wouldn’t be a bad idea. It’s been used for centuries (supposedly) and is still used today, for that reason there has to be SOME truth to the anecdotal claims made in behalf of this herb. It’s supposedly in the same class as apple cider vinegar – something Karen has been dipping into for her own health.

It’s listed as a dietary supplement at GNC, where Sean got it, and some nausea has been reported at high levels of intake. Either way I’m not fond of taking any over-the-counter pills to ‘help me out’. When I asked him for the bottle so I could get the spelling correct his eyes lit up before he asked if I was going to take one. I don’t see myself personally having anything to do with this product, or anything else that’s supposed to ‘fix me naturally’.

Would you actually take this product?


Saturday, June 30th, 2007

It’s been a pretty boring weekend so far. This past week I was unable to accomplish anything that I had to do, which explains my absence from posting over the last few days. Originally I started cleaning the house on Sunday to make sure everything was presentable by Tuesday evening considering I was expecting company on Wednesday. She never showed so that was somewhat of a waste, minus the fact that the house did still need some kind of a cleaning up anyway. I’m not sure what’s up with me lately but I’m in some kind of a funk where I have absolutely no energy to do anything. Getting out of bed seems like too much effort for me but even when I do finally get up with the state of mind screaming “something HAS to be accomplished today” nothing really happens from there.

Originally I thought I was just in a funk because my period was coming but I’m kind of working off others schedules at the moment, if that makes any sense. See, Karen works with a woman named Angie who is pretty easy to read when she’s got her period, she’s been working with her for so long that it seems like Karen gets her period whenever Angie does, since I’ve been living with Karen as long as I have, my schedule kind of shifted towards the end of the month. Last night she asked me if I was on the verge of getting mine since she was also cramping up, but I’m not. I know for sure I’m not pregnant, it’s just my schedule messing up again. I want to assume it’s stress related but that doesn’t really help me out. I keep seeing commercials for this birth control pill named YAS, it’s like the ‘powers that be’ are trying to send me a message through the television or something, but after doing some research into it I’m taken to information about a syndrome known as PMDD.

Apparently there’s multiple forms of PMS, PMDD being one of them. The symptoms include Irritability, Moodiness, Feeling Anxious, Bloating and Increased Appetite. Now, I’m not one of those “OOH, I have that!” kind of people. I know what my symptoms are and they COULD be corrected to PMS, but based on what I know of PMS, it doesn’t effect your life the way PMDD does, which it seems to be doing. My ‘swings’ have been severe enough to effect my work, daily life and relationship – Sean and I are kind of at each others throat the last few days and while he can be a hard person to get a long with at times, I know for the most part that it’s me triggering things between us.

The site recommends that I keep some kind of a body diary, this way I can track the symptoms and then decide from there if this is the route I should take. The issue is I don’t even know if I could afford this damn pill. Part of me just wants to get the tubes ripped out so I can deal with menopause NOW and just live the rest of my life period free but Sean wants children (even though I’m not too keen on them at this moment in time) but who knows what’s going to happen 10 years down the road. I’ve just got a whole series of emotions bothering me right now, nothing seems to relax me anymore – not even smoking, that’s just turning into a complete nuisance for me as well.

I don’t know…I doubt anything is actually even wrong with me – I may just be bored of life or something.

Turning in early for a change.

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

I’ve started to go down my to-do list. I managed to get the bathroom all cleaned up, tomorrow I’ll have to go in there with the vacuum quick to get some dust off of the kick boards but that’s just about it. The toilet has never been cleaner, the tub doesn’t have a funky film on it and the sink doesn’t look as though Sean has ever left his face in it before. Anyone living with a man knows exactly what I’m talking about. The thing I’m still trying to figure out is why men seem to eat toilet paper – the world will never know.

After I completed that we headed downtown in search for a quick meal. I know it was after 2am but he hadn’t eaten dinner and I was a little bit hungry myself. We wound up at Sammy’s Kitchen and it’s true when they say the idiots come out at night. One girl was trying to explain to Delaware cops how you can chalk a New York State Photo ID card. A table who came in later decided it was picture day, 2 in the fucking morning put the cameras away!

We sat on the boardwalk for a little while talking, I haven’t really been ‘myself’ lately it seems, but I’ve also got alot going on in my head at the moment between family and just personal shit in general so naturally I’m going to be a little distant. I just need a few days to myself to sort it all out. I figured that while I spend the whole day thinking anyway, maybe I can just do it while I’m cleaning for the next couple of days. Never know, this place may wind up looking showroom new if I can keep up the pace I had tonight on the bathroom.

Tomorrow’s first tackle will be the office, depending on what time Sean wakes up. If he’s not actually IN the office with me it’ll be easier to clean. I need to be able to roll his chair out of the way while I’m vacuuming and it’s not easy to do it while he’s sitting there, you know? His chair is turning into a piece of shit so he bitches when someone leans on the back of it – guess it throws him off balance. Of course he’s surprised when I tell him not to lean on mine, go figure. I also know that if he’s asleep Bella will stay in the room with him so I don’t have to worry about her getting in the way either. There’s something about being in the bedroom when it comes to her. It doesn’t matter who’s sleeping in there – she wants to lay down with you. I could be in that room for 48 hours straight – she’d have no intention of floating around the rest of the house.

Either way it’s pushing 4:30 and in order for me to get up and get started on the rest of my list, I should probably head to bed now.

Lots to do, no time to do it!

Monday, June 25th, 2007

Today didn’t really go over as well as I’d originally hoped. I stayed up a lot later than I thought I would, I finally crashed around 10:30 or so and then woke up around 3pm this afternoon to Sean climbing into bed. My alarm had been going off for quite some time, I didn’t even bother to get up to turn it off. The problem with using music behind an alarm is you can kind of ‘rock yourself’ back to sleep. When it comes to the buzzer however, you want to get up and turn it off because of how annoying it is. I think I’m going to have to start taking that route because I didn’t officially roll out of bed until about 5pm this afternoon, 3 hours later than I’d planned.

Before I went to sleep last night I wrote myself a huge list of things to do over the course of the next few days, I wanted to have all of this done by tomorrow night but I’m unsure if it’s actually going to happen. Karen’s sister is possibly going to be down for a visit from EARLY Thursday morning to possibly Monday afternoon, naturally I want to clean up a bit. She ALSO may have an extra guest on Saturday night and since her friend has never been down here before, a pig-sty is a horrible first impression.


  • Bedroom – Wash all sheets, do laundry, vacuum carpet, fold clean clothes.
  • Bathroom – Scrub toilet, tub, sink and floor.
  • Laundry Room – Straighten up, throw out all garbage, make it look less like a junk room. ORGANIZE SHELVES!
  • Kitchen – Wash all pots and pans, wipe down all counters, clean off island.
  • Dining Room – Clear off table and shelving of unnecessary crap.
  • Living Room – Vacuum, straighten up, wipe down coffee table of coffee rings.
  • Porch – Sweep, send all donations to the Salvation Army.
  • Office – Vacuum and straighten up, can’t work in filth much longer.

So yea, I have quite a bit of work cut out for me over the next 48 hours. I just know that the dogs are going to make life very difficult. Princess loves to crap on the floor and completely MISS wee-wee pads considering how long she is. Candy more than likely can’t hear the vacuum coming up behind her and she’s so skiddish that you feel mean for even lightly tapping her just to make you aware that you’re there. I’m just praying the poor thing doesn’t have a heart attack. And Bella, so freaking precious Bella, loves to eat toilet paper rolls so 10 minutes after a rug has been vacuumed, you have to take a second run to pick up all the little pieces of paper.

Hopefully Sean will help me out, not counting on it though. His sleep schedule is even more messed up than mine!

Publically answering emails…April feel’s special.

Sunday, June 24th, 2007

I got an email from my friend April asking what Graphics Card I’m going with when I start upgrading everything. I’ve decided to stay in the $115 range and the one I came across in that range ( that Sean claims is fairly decent ) is the Diamond Radeon X1650 Pro / 512MB GDDR2 / PCI Express / Dual DVI / HDTV / CrossFire Ready / Video Card the one I was considering earlier was in the $400 range but that’s because it’s a NVIDIA card and I’ve worked primarily with them over the years. Either way I’m almost positive that this is where I’m going to end up going. For now I’ll stick with poking through Tiger Direct, but I’m sure other resources will show up with time, I need to get some other purchases taken care of first.

As for the monitor, I’m still searching for it. April also recommended that I just go back to where I bought the first one. I then asked her if she really thought I was that stupid for not looking there FIRST. Microcenter no longer has the 17″ X2Gen monitor. Now they only have a 15″ in silver and a 19″ wide screen. They’ve told me that they no longer carry the 17″ so naturally I’m stuck in a hole at this point. I can either buy two of the exact same ones from another source and just give this one to Sean or I can spend only $150 on ONE and get the one I’m looking for. Either way I’m spending more time searching than I feel I should. Why couldn’t I have just been smart and bought both of them in the beginning? :ugh:

Off to a bad start.

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Around 8:30am I finally get into the shower and then I sit down on the computer to do a few quick write-ups for clients and notice that 9:30 is fast approaching. I brush my hair out quick, throw the leash on Bella and then walk towards the door. I forget my sun-glasses and quickly turn around, knowing there’s literally no time to spare. The three of us (Sean, Bella and myself respectively) hop in the car and take off towards the groomer.

Upon arrival, I walk in and notice very cute and beautifully groomed pooches laying around in the waiting area. From there, I walk up to the front desk and note that I’m here for my scheduled appointment. They thumb through the book and note that I’m not scheduled with them. I could have sworn I scheduled my appointment with Wizard of Paws – I was wrong. Thankfully it was the good kind of wrong when I saw their pricing – they’re abusing the “Best Groomer in Delaware” popularity by over charging for the smallest things. So they let me know of the two others in the area, asking if either name rings a “Bella”, I wasn’t amused because I knew I was late.

Walking back to the car, Sean notes “Uhm…don’t you need to leave the dog AT the groomer for this to work?” I note that we’re in the wrong place and there’s the possibility of two other groomers that I made my appointment at. Finally we pull into “Dirty Dog” this place sounds familiar, even if the owners at Wizard of Paws notes that they don’t think Dirty Dog is accepting new clients. The stores are labeled, respectively, so I head towards the door that says “Dog Grooming” it’s locked – I’m freaking out until I look down and see the arrow pointing towards the other door. Walking in I’m met by a sweet faced girl in her early twenties and ask if she has a scheduled appointment for Bella S. she gracefully replies “Yep, we’ve been expecting you.”

The rush of the morning has now subsided and I begin filling out all of my information on their new client cards. Bella, at this time, was already in the back room and I could hear her crying which is literally breaking my heart because I know how scared she is when she’s at the groomer. I tell her that I’d like a very short puppy cut, then continue to say that her tail and ears need to be taken care of as well. She notes that Lhasa’s look – strange – without their signature curly tail but I note that it’s one huge mat of fur. She let me know that if she can ‘save the tail’ she will. I’m thinking “as long as you don’t chop it off, just take the mats off it”. I then continue to note that she’s skiddish when a buzzer gets near her face but she will not bite, just make life very difficult. She notes that they’ve dealt with all kinds of temperments and will be fine.

I walk out the door knowing that my precious pooch will no longer be a fluffy puppy…but a bald bitch when I pick her up. Either way she won’t be so easily overheated and I know her hair will always grow back. If this place does well with her, they’re more than likely going to be my new establishment. I finally have a groomer for Bella, I just need to find a hair dresser for myself!

So we get back here and I’m in a rush to get all of the garbage to the curb. I know that the garbage men plus the landscapers will be around very soon and know the garbage men leave the cans in the middle of the yard. Since we all know that the landscapers around here don’t do SHIT – then naturally I’m going to make sure the cans are removed before they get here. Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way and there’s still a patch on the front lawn that’s over-grown, one they could have easily gotten to if the stupid teenager on the back of the garbage truck would just put the can on the curb instead of throwing it onto the grass. BASTARD. I rush off the stairs and put it on the side of the house but I was just too late. I do still hear them floating around so my only hope is that they do another pass in the front yard before they leave. :: crosses fingers ::

Lack of inspiration getting the best of me…

Friday, June 8th, 2007

I’m going through a severe lack of inspiration at the moment. I believe it’s based on the fact that I haven’t been down to the beach in a while. According to my inbox I have quite a few jobs coming to me but I feel as though I don’t have enough energy to get through them. The work I’m doing at the moment seems rather small in comparison to what I’m used to. I don’t discredit it in any way because I do love what I do, don’t get me wrong. I just feel like I should be doing something much bigger than I have been lately. The little site work here and there doesn’t bother me by any means, I just want to work on something HUGE.

I get quite a bit of inspiration from listening to the waves. I always feel a lot more energized when I’ve left the beach. I get the same effects by looking at the stars as well. Unfortunately with all of the ambient light around here, it’s close to impossible for me to see enough stars to keep me calm. I came across a new product recently; it’s called skyscout. It’s a hand-held, point-shot-and-identify multimedia guide to the universe that can guide you through the night sky better than if you had your own private astronomer standing next to you. I’m used to my grandfather telling me where things are located. He’s always been into astronomy, he’s spent lord knows how much money on telescopes and other interesting gadgets so he could get a better look at the sky at night. He trucks it up to Maine with his friends once a year when they’re doing the children’s toy run. They spend a bit of time just laying in the grass looking up, there’s close to no light up there so the sky looks like nothing but sparkles at night.

Living in a highly populated area with a lot of ambient light, I never really believed that the sky could be over loaded with stars. Sean took me to some farm a few miles inland and I close to pee’d in excitement – I could see everything. The area we were in had us both on edge but if we could happen to find another field like it (which isn’t hard in Delaware considering it’s all freaking farm life here) I’d really like to go back and sit under the stars again.

You can’t see them very well from the beach, the lights along the board walk make it hard for you to really see anything at night. Sure, the waves calm me down but after that, there’s not much to look at – you know? I guess I’m just venting, I don’t know…could be that I’m feeling borderline depressed today for some reason.

Get your ass up already!

Thursday, June 7th, 2007

Baby’s finally awake and now I’m waiting patiently for him to take a shower so we can get out of here. I’ve got my lists made out so I know exactly what I’m looking for at Dollar Tree and Food Lion but it’s hard to do anything when you’re waiting for someone to get up and go. I’m sure he’s working on something important but it’s just not going fast enough for me. I know I seem kind of bitchy about it but there’s a lot of shit for me to get done today after I get back from the store.

I have to start dinner, finish cleaning the kitchen, work on straightening up the living room and dining room. I then need to get back to the computer while dinner is in the oven and continue working on things for clients. I also need to get a few templates knocked out for so I can work on getting that up and running. I need to finish the format of the administration panel so that Sean can get to working on that as well. It’s just a whole series of things that need to be done and unfortunately there isn’t enough time in the day for me to do it all without a tiny bit of help.

Yep, I’m stressed out – can you tell?

Still working on getting things in order…

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

I’ve gotten a lot done today. I woke up and went through my morning routine and then got the rest of my laundry done. The last load is in the dryer now so hopefully it’ll be done in time for me to get out of here later. I believe Kay and I are going up to Milford to pick up a few things from Big Lots then I’m almost certain we’re going to Wal-mart afterwards to get some shopping done as well.

She’s got company coming this weekend, Baby personally hates this woman but I don’t know her yet so I can’t really have an opinion yet. I’m sure by Saturday you’ll hear something out of me in regards to this woman, no doubt about it. She’s a smoker and with Princess being sick, Candy being rather old and Bella just never having to breath in smoke (I make sure of that) Baby and I are on Kay’s case to get her to smoke outside. Hopefully that actually works out.

I’m having some major issues with WordPress at the moment. I’m trying to get the Visual Text Editor to work for a client and no matter what I do the damn thing won’t show up. I’m waiting on a response so that I can upgrade to the newest version in hopes that it resolves the issue but something tells me that it more than likely won’t be the case, this is why I submitted a support ticket on in hopes to get some answers. There has to be something that I’m overlooking I just have no idea where to even begin.

I received an email today that I’m working on responding to. Someone contacted me about site work that could potentially fill my schedule for a while depending on how well it goes. I’m also working on other things so as far as income goes, I’m set for quite some time.