Posts Tagged ‘Advertising’

What happened?

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Things slowed down dramatically for a little while, but out of no where things have picked up to the point that I have to remind myself to breath. The few sites that I’ve been working on for the past few months have finally completed, but in their place numerous other ones popped up.  Right now I’ve got three pending and I don’t know how that even happened.  To top that off I added remodeling to the list because there’s been an increase in advertising inquiries and the current format doesn’t really allow for anything extra on my sidebars. I thankfully have a few drafts sitting in folders but I do need to ultimately decide which route I’m looking to take and then going from there.  I want to brighten things up dramatically and really dive into the CSS3 formatting that I’ve been using on other sites. I’m sick of generating all of my borders with Photoshop slicing up the images for me so it will be nice to build a very CSS heavy template that isn’t image heavy at all.  On top of that, Adam was sweet enough to build a template for me on AGn Designs so I’m going to code that one in the near future as well. I need to add him to my list of pending projects as I’ll be coding his new portfolio template for WordPress for him as well.  I also repurchased to utilize as a fitness/wellness blog so that’s going to take up some of my time as well.

I think I need to hire a personal assistant who just wants to sit in Photoshop all day while I code things.  Anyone interested?

Needless to say, things are getting fricken crazy.