Posts Tagged ‘Back Pain’

Kicking ass and taking names…

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

As previously mentioned, my back is beyond fucked. I’ve tried everything I could possibly do to cut down on the pain but nothing is really working.  The only way around it is to pretty much keep myself in bed.  This has given me more time in front of a computer than I really need, but when you’re limited on where you can go, and what you can do, you turn to the internet (in this time period at least).

I’ve gotten a lot of work done on numerous different accounts.  There’s still quite a bit to do so that’s a never ending pile of “OMG SHOOT ME!”.  The upside is when I actually get to have some kind of downtime I’ve really been improving my skills on Words with Friends, and living proof would be the scores against almost everyone having anything to do with me.  I’ve kicked Sean‘s ass more times than I can count, Colin’s gone down quite easily, and I even had a rather amusing game with Brandy the other day. I’ll admit that her words had me searching the internet to find out how the hell they actually went through, but when she fessed up to a jail broken iPhone hack – all I could do was laugh.  Knealc? Really?  Too funny.

The biggest downside to everything going on would be the fact that I miss the crap out of my Mac.  It’s 100% fine, but I can’t physically sit at the desk for more than ten seconds to pull files into my thumb drive.  I attempted to get some hefty Photoshop work done the other day and it just wasn’t happening.  Halfway through I had the unfortunate sneeze attack and felt as though my hip was being ripped out of my side.  That put me back in bed for two straight days with a heating pad AND icy hot.   Sean and I then (don’t know why) went grocery shopping last night because we could finally stand and were hungry – today the top my thighs are burning and turning my head to the left is just not a possibility without my lower back screaming at me.

I’m sure that I should see a doctor at this point, lord knows I’ve been dealing with this for the last two and a half weeks, but with the lack of health insurance, and the lack of ability to sit someplace for too long (ie: waiting room), I’m just going to work it out as best as I can and go from there.

I’m really hoping that this doesn’t last too long.  Sean and I are looking to head down to DE in a few weeks in hopes to be there for the 4th of July fireworks.  At this point we’re not sure if that’s even going to happen.  Financially we’re fine, it’s the physical crap we’re both dealing with and lord knows how long it’ll be before we’re both 100% again.  I know for me, before I even get down there, my laptop needs to be wiped and restarted because that will remain the primary machine while I’m down there.  Unless of course I come into a butt load of money where I can just drop $3500 on a MacBook Pro, but since that’s not going to happen – I’ll go with what I’ve got. heh.

Time to get back to work.