Posts Tagged ‘Birthday’

Back off Frosty!

Friday, October 24th, 2008

October is almost over, I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday by not really doing a damn thing but going to work, getting to choose which fast food joint was going to be dinner and then I was fast asleep soon after, oh well it’s only my 24th, still have a year to go before that pesky auto-insurance drops down a bit.

Work has kept me pretty busy, I’m used to the hours now, to the point that I just can’t seem to do a damn thing when I get home from work.  At this point I just don’t care anymore.  I know there’s shit to do around the house,  and I should probably make an ounce of effort to maintain my sites and what-not but I truly couldn’t care too much about it these days.

As for the title – It’s freaking October – why is there a sheet of ice on my windows?  Where is this possible lake effect snow coming from, and why the hell is there NOT a scraper in the car to get the damn ice off!

So I’m going to be late to work so the sun can do the job of melting the ice down for me.  Overtime is out the window! :ugh: